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What can you do with an Entrepreneurship Degree?

What can you do with an Entrepreneurship Degree

If you are considering an entrepreneurship degree, it’s important to understand what the term “entrepreneur” really means. Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new business, which is often initially a small business. The people who create these businesses are called entrepreneurs.[1]

Entrepreneurship has been described as the capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit.[2][3] While definitions of entrepreneurship typically focus on the launching and running of businesses, due to the high risks involved in launching a start-up, a significant proportion of start-up businesses have to close due to “lack of funding, bad business decisions, an economic crisis,[4] lack of market demand — or a combination of all of these.”[5][6]

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What can you do with an Entrepreneurship Degree?

With an entrepreneurship degree, you can work in:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship Consultancy
  • Business Management
  • Business Development Management
  • Small Business Ownership


Entrepreneurial Business Manager

  • What an Entrepreneurial Business Manager Does
  • An entrepreneurial business manager identifies trends and opportunities, then determines consumer demand and develops a plan to satisfy that demand. They may work with individuals or companies who want to launch their own business.
  • Skills Needed by an Entrepreneurial Business Manager
  • As a business manager, you need excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to build relationships with potential clients or investors. You must have knowledge of finance, human resources management and marketing in order to develop a successful product or service. You also need computer skills in order to communicate effectively across various platforms. Entrepreneurial business managers are highly motivated self-starters who know how to motivate others as well as themselves.
  • What It Takes To Be Successful In This Career

Entrepreneurial business managers are responsible for their own success, so this career is not for everyone. If you want stability and predictability, it’s best to avoid this field. However, if you want freedom from the confines of four walls, thrive on challenges and enjoy meeting people from all walks of life, then an entrepreneurial career might be for you.

Operations Manager

If you’re interested in working as an operations manager, you may want to consider a career in an industry that is always looking for new talent. Careers in retail and healthcare are often available and provide advancement opportunities.

Operations managers oversee the production of goods and services within their organization. They ensure that workers are producing goods in a cost-effective manner and have effective methods for production. Operations managers are responsible for ensuring that goods are produced on time and within budget.

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Management Consultant

You’ve been told to think outside the box, so you’re looking into entrepreneurship. That’s great, because with an undergraduate degree in Entrepreneurship from Western Governors University (WGU), you’ll be prepared for a number of exciting careers.

  • Management Consultant

Management consultants help improve business processes by diagnosing problems and making recommendations for improvement. Some management consultants are hired as employees or on contract, or work as independent consultants. They may work in teams or independently and their primary role is to gather information, interview managers and employees, analyze data, and make recommendations based on their findings. Management consultants can either be generalists or have expertise in one particular area such as marketing, finance, human resources, operations management etc.

Product Manager

Here’s a question: what is a product manager? In short, a product manager helps build and launch new products. The position is responsible for the entire life cycle of a product, from concept to launch. Product managers work closely with other departments, such as engineering and marketing, to develop and launch new products.

The role is incredibly diverse, but typically includes: market research, identifying target audiences and emerging trends; coordinating design efforts; developing prototypes; writing business plans; working with sales teams and launching the product into the marketplace.

Food Industry Manager

Being a food industry manager means you could work in restaurants, catering, and food delivery. This job entails managing budgets, staff, and customer service while serving as a liaison between customers and the food service organization.

Event Planner and Coordinator

Event planners and coordinators work in different environments, but they share a lot of the same responsibilities. You could be working a wedding, planning a conference, or getting those last minute details right for a concert or party.

No matter what you’re organizing, your duties will include budgeting, negotiating contracts and making sure everything is done on time. In this role you will also need to find venues and vendors for things like catering and entertainment.

As an event planner you are the one who can make the difference between an evening of dreary speeches and networking that people actually enjoy. With all of these moving parts, it’s no surprise that event planners need to be able to work under pressure and make quick decisions.

Marketing and Communications Manager

  • Define the problem. Before you jump into a solution, it’s crucial to understand what the problem is, and how you’re going to measure success as you go. A great goal has three components: It needs to be concisely stated, measurable, and achievable. For example, “I want to lose weight” is not a good goal because there’s no way of measuring whether or not you’ve achieved it. That doesn’t mean that becoming healthier can’t be your goal—it just means that you should define what “healthier” looks like in a way that allows you to determine when you’ve reached your target (e.g., I want to lower my body mass index from 27.5 down to 25 by September).
  • Set ambitious goals—but stay realistic. There’s nothing wrong with aiming high! But it’s important to know what your limitations are so that you don’t put yourself at risk for injury or end up feeling discouraged if things aren’t moving fast enough. For example, if right now you’re doing one 5K per week and that feels challenging, plan out a training schedule that will have you gradually building up endurance until eventually running 60 minutes without stopping becomes second nature. Try increasing your weekly mileage by 10% each week until race day; then hold steady through the final stretch so there’s no chance of overtraining or burning out before the big day arrives. The same idea applies even if running isn’t your thing: Build gradually toward whatever fitness milestone is most important to you right now—whether it includes total miles run per week, time spent exercising per day or number of pushups completed in a row–and try not to let other people influence your goals and measurements for success along the way!
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Small Business Owner and Operator

If you are interested in starting your own business, there are a few things that you should know before getting started. Having a great business plan, a strong team around you, and a good financial backing will be key to getting your business off the ground and setting it up for success. You will also need to have a solid business model in place as well as a great location and product/service offerings.

Before diving in head first, take time to fully understand the industry that you’re getting into. Also do research into whether or not there is room for another player in this market. This will help ensure that you won’t be competing with larger companies who already have established reputations (and often customer bases) in this space.

Entrepreneurship degrees can lead to a wide variety of careers.

Many people think that an entrepreneurship degree is only for people who want to be small business owners. While it is true that this degree can help you get the skills necessary to become your own boss, there are many other career options available. If you have an interest in business, marketing, or operations, a degree in entrepreneurship can help you gain the skills and expertise needed to succeed.


Entry Requirements (to start an entrepreneur as a career)

What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? You need to be a self-starter, willing to work hard and communicate well. You also need to be able to listen, manage stress, adapt and learn from your mistakes. Finally, you need resilience, which is the ability to bounce back from setbacks. This isn’t just a job that anyone can do — in fact, successful entrepreneurs combine some of the best skills and qualities of other careers: marketers are good at promoting their ideas; accountants keep an eye on finances; sales reps are good at convincing others of their product’s value; project managers know how to keep projects on track; and human resources managers know how to spot talented hires.

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How to become an entrepreneur

To become an entrepreneur, you will need to:

  • Decide what business idea you want to pursue. This may be a product or service that you have previously developed as part of your education or experience, or something entirely new.
  • Develop a business plan for your new venture. Your business plan should include sections such as: an executive summary, company description, products and services offered by the business, market analysis (including target customers), competition analysis (including how your business is different from competitors), marketing strategy and implementation plan, operations and management overview including a discussion of key personnel and their qualifications, financial statements including projected income statements and balance sheets for at least three years in the future. The more time you spend on developing your business plan at this stage, the easier it will be to get funding for your venture if necessary. It is also beneficial to have this document available when trying to make sales to potential customers once the business has started up.
  • Conduct research into whether or not there is a market for your product/service by talking with people who might use it as well as checking out other similar businesses in the area where they are located (and finding out if there are any businesses offering what you intend). Make sure that when making sales calls on prospective clients they give off positive feedback about how much they would like it before proceeding with any further steps such as launching a Kickstarter campaign etc…

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