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Online Classes vs Traditional Classes: Which one is better ?

Online Classes vs Traditional Classes: Online classes are a great option for people who want more flexibility or cannot physically attend classes. However, there are some situations where it makes sense to choose a traditional class over an online one.



Some online classes are faster paced than traditional courses, and this is a good thing.

Online classes tend to be more structured, but that can be a positive or negative depending on the student. If you prefer structure and clear guidelines, then an online class will probably suit you better than a traditional classroom environment. However, if you like to have more free time in between lectures or are used to being able to move around during class and talk with other students, then an online class could actually make you feel confined by its structure.

Another difference between traditional classes and many types of online courses is that it can be harder for students who don’t have great internet connections or who live in rural areas with spotty access (or no access at all) to get information from the teacher during class time if they’re not physically present at school every day. In addition to having difficulty following along with what’s going on in lecture videos or reading materials through your computer screen without dropping out halfway through each session due to streaming issues, some teachers may also discourage substitute instructors from answering questions via email as often as they would during regular school hours due to privacy concerns about giving out personal contact information outside of campus grounds.

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When it comes to cost, online classes are almost always cheaper than traditional classes. The most obvious reason for this is that you don’t need to pay for textbooks or travel costs in order to take an online class. You’ll also save money by not having to purchase paper and pens or a laptop or tablet if you already own one. For example, the average cost of tuition for a four-year private university is $50k per year (up from $40k in 2013). If we assume that one semester is 15 weeks long with 5 classes per week and each class meets once per week over 3 hours (the recommended length), this means 30 classes per semester; thus 30 x 4 = 120 hours spent at school during the course of a typical full-time academic year.

If you’re taking traditional on campus courses at such an institution and paying full tuition along with books/supplies etc., your total annual expenses would be around $20,000-$25,000 depending on whether they offer any scholarships/grants/financial aid options which will help offset some costs associated with attending college/university as well as how much money goes towards housing rent payments every month (which includes utilities like water bills etc.)


  • Textbooks. Textbooks can be a large expense for students, whether they’re buying them new or used. By choosing an online class over a traditional one, however, you can save yourself some money! The exact amount of savings will depend on the class and your textbook options.
  • Online classes are usually cheaper than traditional ones because they don’t require as many supplies (like paper and pens) and they don’t require as much space to hold classes when compared to traditional classrooms with desks and chairs.


In addition to the time commitment, online classes have another major drawback in terms of interaction.

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While it’s possible for students in traditional classrooms to ask questions and get feedback from their instructor, this is not always a viable option when working with an online class. The only way for students to communicate with instructors is through email or chat tools like Skype and Google Hangouts—not exactly ideal ways of communicating if you’re looking for immediate answers!

There are ways around this problem, though. If your professor wants you to be able to reach them at any time during the semester (which they should!), they’ll usually give out their personal phone number or email address at some point so that students can contact them directly instead of going through other channels like office hours or student support services


With online courses, you’re in charge of grading your own work—and that means your professor isn’t. That might seem like it would make online classes more difficult than traditional ones, but you have to remember that an online class is also significantly less time-consuming. You can easily complete your assignments at any time, and no matter when you submit them to the professor for feedback and evaluation (yes, professors do still exist in this world), they’ll get back to you within days rather than weeks or months later.

One huge benefit of this self-grading system? Your professors can’t leave out any questions on their tests because they didn’t read over everything carefully enough. They want you to succeed just as much as they did with students in previous semesters who took their class in person! This means there’s no chance for anyone falling behind or missing important parts of the course material unless it was due exclusively to themselves not doing enough work outside of class time (which we all know doesn’t happen often).

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flexible schedule

A flexible schedule is a great way to get the most out of your education. If you are able to take classes at your own pace and when you have energy and motivation, then that’s definitely an advantage.

Flexible schedules allow brick-and-mortar schools to be more efficient with their resources. For example, if you need help understanding something that was taught in class last week and it can’t wait until Monday’s lecture, then there’s always a professor available via email or Skype (or whatever other medium they use).

Some traditional classes also offer online options as well as traditional classroom ones, so there are even more opportunities for students without disabilities who don’t require special accommodations but still want flexibility around their studies.

Online classes can be a good alternative to traditional classes for people who want more flexibility or cannot physically attend classes.

Online classes offer a great alternative for people who want more flexibility or cannot physically attend classes. Online classes can be cheaper than traditional ones, as you don’t have to pay for the building, teachers, and equipment. Most online courses are also the same content as their traditional counterparts; however, they often offer more interaction between students and instructors.


Online classes are a great alternative to traditional classes. They offer many of the same benefits and allow students to learn at their own pace while also saving money on textbooks and other supplies. However, there are some disadvantages as well—such as no interaction with teachers or classmates—that you should consider before signing up for an online class.

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