
How to Get Canada Work Visa

How to Get Canada Work Visa

Would you like to get a visa to work in Canada?

Well, you’re not the only one because more people are hoping to make a space for themselves in this prosperous and quiet country. It is also a place where you can live a high-quality lifestyle.

However, the cost of living can be very high and that is why we are talking about a work visa.

You already know that having a livelihood is a real need for emigrants who do not have sufficient financial support from their countries of provenance. So it is normal to worry about finding a job before arriving in that country.

Fortunately, living and working in Canada is a unique opportunity to grow not only from a professional point of view but also individually.

Therefore, in this article, we will offer you a guide that you must follow to achieve your purpose.

Note; You should always bear in mind that reaching that goal depends on many factors such as what your nationality is, how long you plan to reside in Canadian territory, are you staying permanently, if you want to study and work at the same and so on.

The Canada Work Visa

To work in Canada you require a temporary residence visa and a work permit.

The work permits are approved by the Human Resources Center in Canada, which certifies that the employer did not find any Canadians who could fit in for the job and therefore proceeds to hire them abroad.

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After completing this step, the applicant will have to obtain a temporary residence visa, which can be requested online from the website of the Canadian Ministry of Immigration and Citizenship.

Steps To Get a Work Visa in Canada

Below are the steps to take to secure a work visa in Canada.

  1. Request and correctly complete the application form that will be given to you by the Ministry of Immigration and Citizenship.
  2. Upload your passport photo that is as recent as possible
  3. Have a valid passport with a minimum validity of 6 months and that has enough space to stamp a new visa.
  4. Possess documents accrediting your training. This could be an instruction or professional training.
  5. Possess documents supporting your proficiency in the language that proves English or French (both languages ​​are spoken in Canada).
  6. A curriculum vitae, showing the positions or jobs in which you have worked and the positions held.
  7. Provide reference letters: both from current and former employers.
  8. A medical examination if your stay will exceed 6 months on Canadian soil.
  9. Show that your criminal record sheet is clean.
  10. Pay for consular visa services when submitting your application.


Types of Visas Depending On Your Profession or Work Profile

  • Skilled Worker Immigration Program

It is a special visa program to favour access to a trained workforce and that has a special impact in some specific areas such as agriculture, mechanics, electricity, plumbing, nursing, among others.

  • Professional Worker Immigration Program

Those interested must demonstrate that they have work experience and specific training in any activity they do to enter the labour market as specialists or as qualified professionals.

  • Business Visas
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Specially designed for entrepreneurs, investors and people who work independently and who need to carry out commercial activities, or establish their own company in Canadian territory. This is not an easy visa to obtain.

  • Work Holiday Visas

These visas are very popular in Canada, as they allow applicants to work for 12 months in the country. However, they are usually approved especially by young people from Spain, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Costa Rica.

Requirements for accessing these visas include being between 19 and 35 years old and showing good health.

What Is The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS)?

The comprehensive ranking system is also known as Système de Classement global is a method of eligibility for foreigners who are willing to immigrate to Canada through any of the federal programs available.

It is based on a scoring system in which each candidate can receive up to 1200 points upon acceptance at the Express Entry.

The points that are taken into account are as follows below;

  • Training, skills and work experience (from 460 to 500 points).
  • Transfer skills (instruction, education and experience (100 points).
  • Are you married or married? (maximum 40 points)

Those applicants who achieve the most points will receive an invitation to opt for permanent residence.


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