Online Programs

Best Online Nursing Programs: Requirements and Universities

Online Nursing Programs

If you’re looking to earn a nursing degree, you may be wondering if an online program is right for you. The answer depends on several factors, including your current job and lifestyle. In this post, we’ll explore some pros and cons of online nursing programs that can help you decide if an online course is right for you:

The pros of online nursing programs.

There are many benefits of an online nursing program. If you have a full-time job, it’s possible to study for your degree and maintain your career at the same time.

You might be able to save money on travel costs by staying in one place and studying from home. You can get involved with the local community, but still work within your schedule and do things that interest you.

If you’re looking for flexibility in your education, online programs may be the best choice for you. Since there aren’t any classroom requirements or regular attendance required by instructors or professors, there are fewer restrictions on where and when students take classes. This means that students can study from anywhere they want as long as they have access to a computer with internet connection!

Another benefit is cost savings; most people won’t find themselves paying hundreds (or thousands) each semester at a brick-and-mortar school because they don’t need textbooks anymore!

Instead of buying books every semester just so they can keep up with their classes’ curriculum requirements (which usually change frequently), all they need now is an old laptop lying around somewhere collecting dust under their bed which hasn’t been used since college!

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The cons of online nursing programs.

There are some drawbacks to online nursing programs. For example, you won’t have the opportunity to meet other students face-to-face and share ideas. You also won’t have access to the same on-campus resources as you would in an on-campus program.

And since it’s difficult for professors and students alike to connect with one another without being physically present on campus, you aren’t able to develop this kind of relationship with your peers or professors (unless it’s via email).

Online nursing programs are great if you’re already a nurse or working in the medical field.

Online nursing programs are great if you’re already a nurse or working in the medical field. Many nurses choose to go back to school for their master’s degree, and online programs offer flexibility that traditional brick-and-mortar universities don’t have. You can work at your own pace and study from home, saving money on travel expenses.

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Online nursing programs can save you money on traveling time and expenses.

Online nursing programs allow you to earn your degree while working in your home and on your own schedule. This means that you will not have to spend money on gas, parking fees or other expenses associated with attending a traditional brick-and-mortar college.

  • You can save up to $10,000 per year by pursuing an online degree instead of attending physical classes at a local school.
  • A person who lives in New York City could save even more than this amount by living at home and commuting via public transportation.

Online nursing programs, just like traditional college courses, have specific start and end dates, so you’ll still need to be organized to keep up with your coursework deadlines.

As with traditional college courses, online nursing programs have specific start and end dates. You’ll need to be organized and stay on top of your coursework deadlines to ensure you graduate on time.

Online nursing programs don’t include any hands-on laboratory experience.

Lab time is a big part of nursing school. It’s where you learn to apply what you’ve learned in class, build confidence, and develop new skills. Lab time is also a great way to work through any questions or issues that come up while studying for an exam—you can go over things with your professor one-on-one.

If you’re considering an online program, make sure it’s accredited.

Accreditation is an important credential for any program, but it’s especially important for an online program. Accreditation means that the program has met the standards of a specific accrediting agency, which in turn ensures the quality of your education.

Accreditation is not the same thing as licensing or accreditation: a licensed nursing school can have its license revoked; and some schools may be accredited by one agency and licensed by another.

If you’re considering an online nursing program, make sure it’s accredited—and if possible, check out its accrediting agency before signing up.

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You can get a nursing degree without going to class at a campus.

Another advantage of an online nursing degree is the convenience and flexibility it affords. If you have children, or you’re caring for an elderly relative, school can be hard to fit into your schedule.

And if it’s something that you want to do during the day-to-day grind of your life, campus life might not be feasible. That’s where online classes come in: they allow students to work around their schedules while still getting a quality education.

If cost is keeping you from going back to school? Online degrees are a good option because they’re often cheaper than traditional programs and can offer scholarships or financial aid options as well. Many people find that having an online nursing degree will pay off in higher wages once they graduate too!

What Can You Do With a Degree In Nursing?

Medical Billing and Coding

Medical billing and coding is one of the fastest-growing fields in healthcare. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of medical billers and coders is expected to grow by 28% between 2016 and 2026. The median salary for these professionals was $43,990 per year as of May 2017.

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Medical billers are responsible for processing insurance claims related to patient care (i.e., your doctor’s office or hospital). They must ensure that any charges are accurate and complete before sending them off to an insurance company or clearing house (the financial institution that processes payments). If a claim has been denied, they also help patients appeal it so they can get reimbursed by their health plan or employer’s benefits provider.

While medical coding isn’t necessary for this position—it often falls under the responsibility of other staffers—it can be useful experience if you want to pursue a career as an independent coder.

Home Health Aide

Home health aides help patients with daily activities such as bathing, grooming and taking medications. They also assist with eating and dressing. If you have a patient who needs assistance with these functions, it’s important to work with the home health aide to determine what type of care they will need. The nature of your role is dependent on the patient’s medical condition and needs.

Registered Nurse

Registered nurses are the most popular nursing profession, and for good reason. RNs work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. They can also choose from a number of specialties. Most importantly: they need only a bachelor’s degree to qualify!

If you want to be an RN but don’t want to go through the hassle of getting your Bachelor’s degree first—or if you already have one but still want more schooling—then consider online nursing programs!

These programs will give you all the skills needed for this career while also allowing you to fit your studies into your busy schedule at home or on-the-go (and if there’s anything we know about millennials is that they love their phones).

Licensed Practical Nurse

Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) are a popular career choice for people who have limited funding and time to complete a bachelor’s degree. They work under the supervision of registered nurses and perform many of the same tasks, but they don’t need to complete as many hours at school or take as many tests.

LPNs can work in a variety of settings, such as hospitals or clinics. Some choose to specialize in home-care nursing or mental health care, while others stick with more general practice options like emergency room triage or geriatric care.

Salaries vary by state and type of employer—$45,000-$60,000 per year is common—and it’s easy enough to find LPN jobs that pay well above minimum wage if you’re willing to put in some extra shifts!

Online nursing programs allow students to study from home.

If you’re interested in becoming a nurse and like the idea of working from home, online nursing programs are for you. Online nurses can interact with other students and educators through e-mail, video conferencing, and social media. Many online programs also offer group projects so that students can work together to help each other out.

Online degrees are convenient because they allow students to study at their own pace while maintaining full-time employment or caring for their families. Students who complete an online degree program will earn their degree faster as well as save money on tuition fees since there’s no need to attend classes on campus or travel back and forth between home and school every day (or week). And depending on your job situation, there may not even be any need to quit your current position!

Universities Offering Online Nursing Programs

Ohio University – BSN

Ohio University is a public university, located in Athens, Ohio. The school offers an RN to BSN program that is delivered entirely online. Students can complete the program in as few as 15 months and receive their degree from OU.

The curriculum consists of 30 credit hours. Students take courses in anatomy and physiology for nurses, community health nursing, generalist practice concepts for registered nurses (RNs), lifelong learning theory and statistics for healthcare professionals, professional growth and development of nurse leaders; assisting patients with physical needs; introduction to nursing research methods; critical thinking skills in healthcare professions; advanced pathophysiology: implications for clinical practice; principles of leadership for effective care delivery systems: an overview of evidence-based management strategies that promote quality patient outcomes.; introduction to informatics: electronic information management systems in health care settings; role development model – theories & applications across levels of leadership ; biomedical ethics – foundations & issues related.

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California State University-Fresno – RN-BSN

  • California State University-Fresno – RN-BSN
  • Location: Fresno, CA
  • Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
  • Costs: $5,000 per semester for California residents and $7,500 for non-residents. Tuition waivers may be available for qualified applicants.
  • Programs offered: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). The degree requires 51 units to complete over two years, with 36 units taken in the first year and 15 units taken in the second year. Students must also take 1 credit hour of English composition every semester they are enrolled at CSU-Fresno unless they already hold an A or B grade point average (GPA). Additional courses required include nursing theory & practice I & II; medical surgical nursing I & II; pediatric nursing I & II; health promotion & wellness; adult/gerontology primary care case management; psychiatric mental health nursing I ; leadership development ; evidence based practice ; pathophysiology ; pharmacology ; maternal child nursing ; women’s health care issues . Requirements vary depending on program chosen after completion of BSN program including becoming eligible for certification through National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) exam as well as obtaining a license from California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN)
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Duquesne University

Duquesne University is a private, coeducational, Catholic university, located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. It was founded by Bishop Michael O’Connor in 1878 as the Pittsburgh Catholic College of the Holy Ghost. It is now the only Catholic university in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

As a student you have access to many resources like: tutoring centers and academic support services; career center offering job search assistance; disability services including services for students with documented disabilities such as learning disabilities or physical disabilities who may need accommodations while enrolled at Duquesne University.

Health services which includes medical treatment and counseling services provided by professional staff members who specialize in treating both mental/emotional problems (e.g., depression), chronic diseases (e.g., diabetes) or injury-related problems that affect quality of life (e.g., spinal cord injuries);

Housing department providing housing options ranging from apartments within walking distance of campus to traditional dormitories; Student Center which provides recreational facilities along with dining options on campus so that those living off campus can still enjoy meals cooked fresh daily for them daily; transportation department helping students get around safely while traveling between their dorms/apartments near campus or home if they live far away from school grounds

Clemson University – MSN

Clemson University is a public research university located in Clemson, South Carolina. The university boasts six undergraduate and graduate schools with more than 19,000 students enrolled in over 130 degree programs. It’s one of the largest universities in the state and has been named one of America’s top colleges by U.S News & World Report for nine consecutive years.

University of Bridgeport – MSN

The University of Bridgeport is a private university in Connecticut that offers an MSN program for nurses who want to advance their careers to the next level. The program is designed for registered nurses who wish to become nurse practitioners, nurse educators or administrators of healthcare organizations.

The University of Bridgeport’s nursing master’s degree program is 100% online and requires only 3 semesters of full-time study (15 months) with no weekend classes required.

Purdue University Global – RN-BSN, MSN Education, MSN Leadership and Management, MSN Informatics Nursing

Purdue University Global is a private, nonprofit institution. The university offers online nursing programs through its School of Nursing at Purdue University Global. These programs include RN-BSN, MSN Education, MSN Leadership and Management, and MSN Informatics Nursing.

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Southern New Hampshire University – RN-BSN, DNP Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner, MSN/MBA, MSN Education, MSN Public Health Nursing, MSN Nursing Administration

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) offers several online nursing programs, including a Bachelor of Science in Nursing to prepare registered nurses for careers in acute and critical care, community health, education, home health care and more.

SNHU is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), which is recognized as a reliable accrediting agency by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

The University’s nurse practitioner program prepares students to become practitioners who diagnose, treat and manage patients with acute or chronic medical conditions. The curriculum also includes an emphasis on public health promotion strategies.

To ensure graduates are prepared for this role, SNHU requires all students to complete clinical rotations at a variety of healthcare facilities throughout the region before graduating from their program.

SNHU’s master’s degrees are designed specifically for those seeking careers at various levels within nursing organizations who want to advance their knowledge base in order to meet organizational needs as they change over time — whether it’s within an academic institution or private company setting.

These programs include: an MSN/MBA dual degree option; an MSN in Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner; MSN Education; MSN Public Health Nursing; and MSN Nursing Administration

Students who want to become nurses can find online programs at these universities

If you’re looking to become a nurse, there are online programs available at many different universities. These programs are offered at all levels and at a wide range of price points. They can be taken by students in any state, no matter where they live or how far away the nearest university is located. The courses are also available at times that work best for each student’s schedule: day, evening or weekend classes are typically offered—and sometimes even during lunchtime hours!

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How to Apply for Online Nursing Programs

Figure out which program is right for you

Now that you have an idea of what type of program you want to pursue, it’s time to find a school that aligns with your needs.

  • Look at the programs offered by various nursing schools. Some will offer online classes and some will only offer in-person classes. This can make a difference in how much time you are able to commit to studying and attending classes!
  • Consider whether or not the program is accredited by an accrediting body recognized by the U.S Department of Education (USDE). This ensures that your degree from this school will be recognized when looking for jobs or travelling abroad for clinical rotations later on down the road!
  • Take some time out of your day and really consider what’s important to YOU! Where do YOU want YOUR career path led? What traits do YOU want YOUR future boss/colleagues/clients/patients see when they look at YOU? Do they need someone who has extensive experience working with patients living with dementia? Or would they rather hire someone who has spent years working as a surgical technician because he knows how important sterile conditions are when performing surgery on humans?!

Research the accreditation of your school and program

Accreditation is an important consideration when deciding on a nursing school. Accreditation is a voluntary process that schools undergo to ensure quality education, and it’s done by an independent agency to ensure that the school’s curriculum meets the requirements set forth by accrediting agencies.

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However, it’s important to note that accreditation does not guarantee employment or graduation from any particular university. It simply means that the school has been evaluated and approved by an outside organization as meeting certain standards of quality education.

The good news is that there are many nursing schools available online today with excellent reputations and outstanding track records of success in placing students in top hospitals after graduation.

Accreditation agencies evaluate all aspects of a program, including its facilities and equipment; faculty qualifications; admission policies; curriculum content; financial stability; program length; learning objectives and methods used for instruction delivery (including technology).

Write a personal statement that shows why you want to become a nurse

As a nursing program applicant, you should write a personal statement that shows why you want to become a nurse. In your essay, explain how your choice of nursing career came about.

  • How did you come to this decision?
  • How will you use your nursing skills to help others?
  • How will you use your nursing skills to help yourself?

Ask your references to write letters specific to your application

If you’re applying to nursing school, ask your references to write letters specific to your application. Your references should be able to write a letter on your behalf. Make sure they’re comfortable providing an honest assessment of your strengths and weaknesses and can describe how those were demonstrated in previous work or volunteer experiences.

Include a list of references in the application materials that was sent with their applications. Each reference should submit their letters directly to the school’s admissions office rather than sending them through someone else who might have access to their files or information about other applicants’ files during the admissions process (which could impact any confidential information).

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It’s also common practice for some schools not only require but expect supplemental materials from applicants—like resumes and cover letters—so check this out before submitting anything extra!

Reference letters should be at least 1 page long; however, don’t feel like there are specific requirements about how much space must be used or what kind of font size is required because these things vary depending on where exactly it needs filling out as well as what type (electronic/hardcopy) format applies best

List any community service or volunteer experience you have had related to nursing

It is always important to include any experience you have had with people who are sick or injured. It can be even more important if you have a specific type of experience, such as volunteering in a hospital. If this is the case, you should mention that it was at your local hospital and how long you volunteered there for.

If there are no other types of experiences that are relevant to nursing and this one stands out because it was at an old age home where elderly people live, then mention that too! The more specific you make these details sound, the better they will be remembered by potential employers when they read through your application materials.

Make sure your transcripts are sent to the university in a timely manner

The next step is to make sure your transcripts are sent to the university in a timely manner. This means submitting them before the deadline, which will be listed on the application. The person in charge of admissions will be able to help you with any questions you might have about this process.

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Apply with confidence, but don’t get too attached to one school

The process of applying to nursing school can be a long one, so don’t get too attached to any one school. Applying is just the first step in a larger journey. If you don’t get accepted right away, don’t take it personally—it doesn’t mean that you’re not cut out for nursing or that the school was wrong about your qualifications. It just means that they like the people who applied after you more than they liked you!

What should I do if I am not accepted?

If this happens to you (and even if it doesn’t), we recommend re-applying next year with a stronger application package. Your GPA and recommendations are only going up over time anyway! You could also consider looking at some other schools or programs during your wait period until decisions come out from first choice schools.

Many students do this because there aren’t too many options available from which they can pick from each year when applying for admission into their preferred program/schools so this provides them with plenty of flexibility when looking at all their possible options before making any final decisions on where exactly they want spend their next few years studying as these changes may occur quickly depending on what happens throughout fall semester as applicants receive notifications via mail between January/February time frame depending on how fast fellow classmates submit theirs

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The decision to pursue an online nursing program is just that—a decision. It’s up to you how much time and money you want to spend on education, as well as what kind of learning experience feels right for your needs. You may find it helpful to talk with other people who have gone through the process before making final decisions about which degree level or type of program will work best for their career goals.

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