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What Is the Law Library of Congress?

The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, with more than 162 million items (books and other media) in its collections. It is also the copyright library for the United States; all federal government publications are required to have a copyright registration affixed before they can be released by their creators. The Library has a virtual reading room that can be accessed online; this allows you to search the catalogs from anywhere, anytime!

If you’re interested in continuing your education after graduating from high school and earning an associate’s degree or if you’re looking for ways to further your career through graduate school, consider applying for admission at an online law library program.

Accessing the Virtual Reading Room

To access the Virtual Reading Room, visit the Law Library of Congress website and click on the Virtual Reading Room link. You will be prompted to sign in with your Library card number and PIN.

Accessing the Research Guide

When you’re ready to get started, click on the “General Library” tab. You’ll see a list of topics, then click on any topic that interests you. Below that is another box, which has three tabs: Browse, Filters and Advanced Search.

Browse: This is a good place to start if you are looking for general information about a topic—for example, “What is copyright law?” or “What is defamation?”

Filters: If you already know what kind of sources will help answer your question but aren’t sure exactly what those sources are called (e.g., case law), enter those terms here and click “Go.” You’ll be shown a list of possible sources that match your search term(s). You can adjust these results by clicking on one category at a time (e.g., Federal Courts) before clicking “Refine.” This will narrow down your results even further so they only include documents pertaining specifically to federal courts cases related to whatever issue(s) were originally entered in the filter bar—in this example it might just show relevant cases from 2010 onwards when both sides agreed there was no statute barring their filing suit against each other instead [sic] relying solely on state law claims such as breach of contract or fraud against both parties involved instead [sic].

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Finding Answers to Your Legal Questions

Once you have found the information that you need for your research, be sure to cite the source correctly.

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It is important to know how to properly cite sources so that it is easy for readers who are unfamiliar with your topic to find and read them. In addition, citing your sources helps prevent plagiarism. Plagiarism is when a writer uses another person’s writing or ideas, without giving credit where credit is due. To avoid plagiarizing another author’s work, at least two or three times in your paper write: “As cited by…” followed by the author’s name and then page number where this specific piece of information can be found within their work (e.g., “As cited by Smith on page 12”).

If you need legal research help, contact us for assistance.

If you need legal research help, contact us for assistance.

The Law Library is the largest law library in the world and provides legal research services to all members of Congress and their staff. The Law Library has been researching legal questions since 1832, when it was founded by Congress as a temporary measure to provide reference materials during its deliberations on revising federal laws. The Library’s purpose has remained unchanged ever since: To assist legislators in their work by providing access to an unparalleled collection of books, journals, articles and other resources that provide answers to complex legal questions.


Columbia University Online Law Library

The Columbia University Online Law Library is a legal research library located at Columbia University in New York City. The collection consists of over 3 million volumes, making it one of the largest academic law libraries in the world. The Library’s collections are housed in four buildings on the university’s Morningside Heights campus: Hauser Hall and Milbank Hall (the main branch), Avery Fisher Hall (a branch), and Buttenwieser Hall.

Georgetown Law Library

Georgetown Law Library is part of the Georgetown University Law Center. Recognized as one of the nation’s premier law schools, the school offers programs in law and business, economics, international and comparative law.

The library’s collection includes books, journals and other materials dealing with all aspects of legal research: history of law; civil procedure; criminal justice; corporate governance; constitutional rights; contracts; evidence (including family law); torts (negligence); property (land use); trusts and estates (wills). Special collections include African American Legal History Collection including rare items such as slave documents from 1790-1860s; Global Justice Program Collection on global human rights issues such as genocide or torture committed by governments around world since 1970s.; Environmental Law Collection includes over 70 titles on topics ranging from land use planning to endangered species protection laws passed nationwide during past 50 years.; Food Sovereignty Collection contains nearly 150 books written by farmers/ranchers themselves who promote food sovereignty shift away from industrial agriculture model toward small scale organic farms owned locally based on principles that emphasize local production with sustainable living conditions for workers such as fair wages without child labor practices encouraging them get involved in decision making process regarding best practices at all levels instead

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Harvard Law School Library

Harvard Law School Library is a law library in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is the largest academic law library in the world, with over 7.5 million volumes and 40,000 linear feet of archives and manuscripts.

The library opened in 1912 as the Harvard Law Library when then-Harvard President Lowell offered his mansion to house this collection. The initial collection included 8500 volumes and has grown to more than 2 million books today.

LLMC Digital

LLMC Digital is a digital library of primary legal materials from the Western Hemisphere, a project of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights. The library contains over 1,500 titles and over 3 million pages of content. It includes books, treaties, convention minutes and case law from Latin America and the Caribbean as well as translations of major European works into English.

Library of Congress

The Library of Congress provides access to a searchable database of U.S. court opinions, including cases decided by state courts. The database also includes information on federal statutes, regulations and agency materials. You can also browse through the United States Code (USC).

The Library of Congress, the nation’s oldest federal cultural institution, is the world’s preeminent reservoir of knowledge, providing unparalleled collections and integrated resources to Congress and the American people.

The Library of Congress is the nation’s oldest federal cultural institution and the world’s preeminent reservoir of knowledge, providing unparalleled collections and integrated resources to Congress and the American people. The Library is a treasure house of learning, where scholarship in all fields is preserved, nurtured, and made accessible to all.

NY Court of Appeals – Law Libraries

NY Court of Appeals – Law Libraries

The NY Court of Appeals – Law Libraries is an online presentation of selected statutes, regulations and judicial opinions concerning New York State law, as prepared by libraries of various NY State courts. This site covers a wide variety of topics including: family law, property law, evidence and more. The site is updated daily so it’s always easy to find the information you need at your fingertips!

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Online presentation of selected statutes, regulations and judicial opinions concerning New York State law, as prepared by libraries of various NY State courts.

The New York State Bar Association has a great resource for finding law libraries in your area. Simply click on the link below and enter your zip code!

You can also find a list of other online resources at How To Find A Law Library.

NYS Bar Association-Law Libraries and Legal Research Centers in NYS – Listing by County & City (Broken link)

New York State Bar Association

The New York State Bar Association has a listing of libraries and legal research centers in New York. The list is broken down by county and city, with links to each library’s website.

You can also find out if there is a library near you by contacting the NYSBA directly at: 212-626-7373

NYS Bar Association-Law Libraries and Legal Research Centers in NYS – Listing by County & City (Updated Link)

If you are looking for a law library in New York State, have a look at this list that has been compiled by the NYS Bar Association. There are over 100 libraries listed by county and city. Some of these libraries are available only to members of their respective bar associations, while others will be open to the general public.

If you want to search for a specific type of law library or just browse through them all, then use our search tool below:

Find A Law Library Near You!

You can find a law library near you by doing a simple search on the internet. The Library of Congress is the largest law library in the world and is located in Washington D.C., but there are many other legal libraries throughout America as well, including one at Columbia University Law School in New York City.

In fact, if you’re looking for a list of all US legal libraries and their contact information or hours of operation, this website should be able to help:

This is a list of online legal library sites.

  • Columbia University Online Law Library
  • Georgetown Law Library
  • Harvard Law School Library
  • LLMC Digital (LLMC is the acronym for Latin American Legal Materials)
  • Library of Congress


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