Online Programs

Online Law Enforcement Degree: Tuition, Universities and Requirements

Online Law Enforcement Degree

If you’re interested in pursuing your online degree in law enforcement, there are certain requirements that you need to meet before admission. If you feel like you may not meet the requirements, it’s still a good idea to apply. You never know what opportunities may be available to you!

  • Need a high school diploma or GED. You will not be admitted without one of these two things. A college degree is also helpful for getting into the program. This can be an associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree in any field of study.
  • Minimum age requirement for law enforcement officers is 21 years old and some programs have higher age limits than that, with more experience required before admission. However, there are exceptions if someone has already served as an officer before turning 21 years old so it’s worth checking with your institution to see if they will accept younger students on case by case basis; this might depend on state regulations too!
  • Must pass the law enforcement entrance exam which includes questions about criminal justice topics such as: police powers, arrest procedures and search warrants; as well as general knowledge tests like arithmetic skills or writing ability tests (if applicable). Also included in these exams are personality assessments that look at how well suited candidates might be for various roles within law enforcement agencies including patrolmen positions which require physical strength/endurance while detectives rely more heavily on reasoning abilities rather than brute force when dealing with criminals who present different challenges because they aren’t usually armed or dangerous like others tend to be so negotiators must develop techniques tailored specifically towards those situations where criminals attempt negotiations instead of giving up easily.”

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Types of Online Law Enforcement Degrees

There are four main types of online law enforcement degrees.

Career Outlook for Online Law Enforcement Degree Graduates

The distinction between a career and a job is quite simple: the former refers to an overall vision of yourself while the latter usually involves specific daily tasks. For example, if you are currently employed at Walmart, your job might be stacking frozen peas in the freezer aisle. Your career, on the other hand, could be anything from working as an ice sculptor to becoming a reality TV star to developing an app that helps people with memory recall. It’s important to understand that your career does not have to be tethered to just one place or activity for the rest of your life. You can have multiple careers—you don’t need just one!

It’s also useful to distinguish between being employed and being self-employed. If you are employed by someone else (e.g., working in retail or at a restaurant), then there is likely very little room for creativity when it comes time for advancement opportunities within that particular organization. Instead, employers often prefer candidates who have experience doing something similar elsewhere; thus if you’re seeking higher pay increases or promotions within their business model then it may require finding another job outside of them first before having more leverage when negotiating salary changes inside again later on down this road toward possible future success! Self-employment means owning your own company without any bosses hovering overhead telling what needs done next nor how much money they’ll give out later as “thanks” once all tasks are completed—and sometimes even before completion too because entrepreneurship takes risks every day just like this article did today by being written without any corporate backing behind my backside either!

Law Enforcement Degree Scholarships

Scholarships are a great way to fund your law enforcement degree, and there are a number of scholarships available to help you do just that. There are scholarships available for female students, military personnel, and students who plan to work in rural areas.

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When looking for scholarship opportunities, it is always worth checking with the school you plan to attend as well as the local community where you live. You can also search online for scholarships specific to your state or career goals. Additionally, if any of your family members work for government agencies at any level (local police departments, sheriff’s office, US Marshals Service), check with their human resources department about scholarship availability.

If you receive funding from multiple sources (such as scholarships as well as financial aid), it is best to have a plan in place so that you are able to pay back the various loan amounts once you finish your degree and begin working in law enforcement. The more prepared you are now before entering into these agreements will make it easier later on when it comes time to repay them.

Related Careers

Online Law Enforcement Degree

If you’re considering a law enforcement degree, there are many related career options to consider. Criminology is one option. If you decide to enter the field of criminology, your work could involve analyzing crimes and criminal behavior to identify the causes and find solutions for preventing future crimes.

Security management is another popular career path for someone with a law enforcement degree or minor. In this role, you are an executive-level official who works in a company or business to establish safety measures and prevent potential threats from occurring. Another option is law school. If you earn your online law enforcement degree, consider going on to get your Juris Doctor (JD) or master’s degree in legal studies (MLS).

You’ll also be prepared for other careers in public safety such as city planning, public administration, emergency management, juvenile justice administration, corrections administration or police community relations.

Organizations and Associations in Law Enforcement

Law enforcement associations are a great resource for networking and meeting the right people in the field. The following groups have many chapters across the country.

  • National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) was founded in 1976 to “provide a unique voice for African American law enforcement professionals throughout the United States.” It’s an international organization dedicated to addressing issues related to black law enforcement professionals, agencies, and community members. Its mission includes developing partnerships with other law enforcement agencies, schools, churches and community organizations; improving the relationship between communities of color and police officers; mentoring youth through community-based programs; making recommendations for public policy legislation; and promoting criminal justice education. Learn more about NOBLE on its website by clicking here.
  • International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) is an organization for police chiefs in several countries around the world. Members receive information about crime trends, research findings and training opportunities on various topics including use of force, terrorism prevention and managing protests peacefully. The IACP also provides access to awards, scholarships, grants and internships. For more information on IACP membership benefits, check out their website here.* National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives (NAWLEE) was created “to enhance the quality of policing services through executive development opportunities that address gender-specific issues.” The association encourages women in leadership positions with its mentoring program, annual conferences focused on female executives’ needs, award recognition programs and connections to local resources like self defense classes. Find out more at NAWLEE’s website * International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA). This group offers events such as regional conferences that focus on issues facing campus security officials like mental health trends among college students or keeping up with technology like drones used by campus police departments.* National Sheriffs’ Association–this association advocates for sheriffs across America at all levels of government.* Bureau of Justice Statistics –this national agency collects data about crime
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Online Law Enforcement Degree Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How long does it take to complete an online law enforcement degree?
  • It can take you as little as two years. Some programs offer fast tracks that allow you to finish your coursework in just a year and-a-half, but most students complete their associate’s or bachelor’s degrees in about two years.
  • How much does an online law enforcement degree cost?
  • The average cost of tuition for an associate’s degree at a public school is $3,570 per year, while the average cost of tuition for a bachelor’s degree at a public school is $9,410 annually.
  • What is the difference between an online and on-campus law enforcement degree?
  • Online programs are built with flexibility in mind, so they may be offered entirely or almost entirely online. On-campus programs require students to attend class on campus at specific times and days. Most hybrid programs require some time spent on campus.
  • What can I do with an online law enforcement degree?
  • With this education behind you, you may be eligible for employment opportunities such as police officer (general), private detective/investigator, sheriff/deputy sheriff, security guard/officer, corrections officer and loss prevention specialist.

An online law enforcement degree could be your first step toward a career in law enforcement.

An online law enforcement degree could be your first step toward a career in law enforcement. Whether you’re interested in pursuing an entry-level position or furthering your education as an experienced officer, an online program can help you reach your goals.

You might think an online law enforcement degree isn’t right for you because it’s not conventional, but the truth is that many people find online learning to be a flexible, affordable way to earn a degree. For those who have busy schedules or work full time while they pursue their education, online learning is the way to go.

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Universities offering Online Law Enforcement Degree

Liberty University

Liberty University has a program that offers a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with a specialization in Law Enforcement. This program is designed to prepare students for careers in public safety, security and law enforcement. The goal of this program is to educate students on the legal, ethical and psychological aspects of the criminal justice system.

This online degree program will help you develop the necessary skills you need to work within different law enforcement agencies as well as to further your career goals. This online degree can be completed full time or part time, and it is fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Kaplan University

Kaplan University has been offering online programs since the late 1990s. They offer an Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice and a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Law Enforcement. The university has more than 80 campuses across the United States. Kaplan’s online learning platform is called Kaplan Open Learning.

Capella University

Capella University offers an online Bachelor’s of Criminal Justice, where you’ll have the opportunity to study topics such as law enforcement, corrections and rehabilitation, juvenile justice, and more. You can also complete a Master’s in Criminal Justice degree online at Capella.

You’ll learn from a curriculum developed by industry experts who provide insights on the criminal justice system through real-world experiences. Coursework can be completed entirely online and will focus on topics like:

  • The U.S. legal system
  • Criminal investigation methods
  • Criminal procedure and evidence
  • Legal aspect of justice administrationCapella University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). Tuition for undergraduate courses ranges from $99-$9,000 per course credit hour depending on your specific program requirements. Currently there are over 42,000 students enrolled at Capella University in various fields of study.

Colorado Technical University Online

CTU offers a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice – Law Enforcement that can be completed entirely online. CTU’s BS in criminal justice with a law enforcement concentration prepares students to work as police officers and detectives at local, state, and federal levels.

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Founded in 1965, Colorado Technical University is headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado. With over 50,000 students enrolled across the globe, CTU employs over 1,000 faculty members.

The tuition cost for this program is $23,400 per year. The university is nationally accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). For more information about DEAC accreditation visit

American InterContinental University Online

At American InterContinental University Online, you can receive an education in law enforcement from the comfort of your own home. AIU Online is a private university that was founded in 1970 and is headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois. The school offers associate’s, bachelor’s and master’s degrees online with an open admissions policy. In addition to its physical campus locations, AIU can also be found online through their distance learning program for those who are interested in pursuing their education remotely. Interested students should apply directly on the school’s website or by using the application provided on this page.

AIU Online is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). This accreditation provides assurance to prospective students that they’ll be receiving a high quality education at AIU that will adequately prepare them to move on to future career opportunities upon graduation.

Ashworth College

Ashworth College offers a number of online degree programs in the field of criminal justice. They offer bachelor’s, master’s and associate’s degrees, as well as certificates and diplomas. Ashworth is an accredited school that offers convenient classes you can take in your own time from the comfort of your own home. Ashworth prides itself on providing affordable education to its students. The college also offers hands-on career preparation services to help graduates find jobs in their chosen fields after graduation.

You can start your degree in Law enforcement from these universities.

  • Creighton University

Creighton University offers an online bachelor’s degree in Law Enforcement Administration. This degree is accredited and costs $16,751 per year. The university has a very good reputation for its academic excellence and providing students with the best resources to help them succeed. It has highly qualified faculty members that are dedicated to helping their students succeed in the program.Students who want to study at Creighton University must take the ACT or SAT test and have a GPA of 3.5 or higher as well as complete 8 courses from their high school curriculum that are relevant to their future field of study.To complete this degree, students have to complete 128 credit hours which include general education requirements, electives and core law enforcement classes such as Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice, Juvenile Delinquency, Social Research Methods and Criminology.The program is taught by faculty from the Department of Public Safety Leadership, who have real-world experience in policing and public safety administration.

  • Northern Arizona University

Northern Arizona University offers an online Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Arts & Sciences with a concentration in Police Studies/Administration (BS). This degree is accredited by HLC-NCA Higher Learning Commissionand costs $17264-$18240 depending on your residency status on campus. The university has a very good reputation for its academic excellence and providing students with the best resources to help them succeed. It has highly qualified faculty members that are dedicated to helping their students succeed in the program.To be eligible for admission into Northern Arizona University you need:• High school diploma or GED equivalent• Minimum 2.0 unweighted or 2.8 weighted GPA• Complete coursework required by your chosen major• Achieved certain score on either ACT or SAT examThe police studies/administration concentration requires 42 credits consisting of 18 credits of core courses including Introduction to Criminal Justice Systems; 6 credits of police studies concentration courses including Police Management; 18 credits from any area outside criminal justice;

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