What is Executive Education?

What is Executive Education?


Executive Education is a comprehensive and integrated approach to learning, allowing business leaders to improve their business practices. Unlike traditional graduate education, which is usually limited to one field of study, Executive Education spans multiple disciplines. This approach allows you to learn the knowledge and skills that you need in order to make better decisions and create more value for your company.


Executive Education is a multi-disciplinary, modular learning program for senior managers at leading companies.

The Executive Education program is not restricted to any particular discipline and has been designed to create a challenging and unique learning experience.

This program combines theory and practice to create a challenging and unique learning experience.

Executive education combines theory and practice to provide you with a challenging and unique learning experience.

Theory, as it turns out, is a useful tool: it helps us predict the future based on our current knowledge. This makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint; if we didn’t know how something worked in the past, we might not be able to survive it in the future. In other words, theory gives us confidence that what worked before will work again now or later on down the road (we hope!).

In contrast to theory’s predictive power, practice provides what I call “re-createability.” Practice allows us to not just predict but re-create an experience over and over again until we get it right—which can’t be done if you only rely on theory alone!

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Executive Education program is not restricted to any particular discipline

Executive Education is a multi-disciplinary, modular learning program for senior managers at leading companies. The aim of the program is to help participants develop their abilities and make better decisions in their professional role.

The Executive Education program combines theory and practice to create a challenging and unique learning experience. It is not restricted to any particular discipline but focuses on the development of leadership skills that can be applied across all business areas.

Executive Education participants can acquire knowledge and skills from multiple disciplines and apply them in their business.

For example, if you’re an accountant at a bank, you could learn more about marketing; if you’re a salesperson at an energy company, you could learn more about finance.

The program is not limited to any particular profession or industry. Instead, it offers courses that are relevant to the business world—and they apply across industries because people operate differently in different roles within their organizations.

The Executive Education programs are offered as open enrollment courses, custom courses, and public workshops and conferences.

Open enrollment courses are available to all participants. These classes can be taken by anyone in any industry, providing them with an opportunity for professional development in a specific area of expertise or knowledge. Custom programs are designed for specific organizations to address the needs of their workforce and improve performance on the job. Public workshops and conferences offer attendees the chance to learn from top experts in their fields who share their knowledge on a variety of topics relevant today’s business landscape at large scale events held throughout the year.

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All of the knowledge you need to succeed at work is out there. You just have to find it, learn it, and use it.

The Executive Education programs are offered as open enrollment courses, custom courses and public workshops and conferences that give senior managers at leading companies the tools they need to achieve their goals in a rapidly changing business environment. Delivered by Harvard Business School faculty members who are renowned around the world for their expertise in specific fields, our multidisciplinary program modules cover topics such as negotiation tactics, organizational behavior and leadership skills for individuals looking for ways to advance their careers—or create new ones entirely!

Types of Executive Education

Executive Education Workshops

Executive education workshops are usually 2-5 days and offer specific learning opportunities for a particular audience. They may be focused on a topic, such as leadership or finance, or may be designed to build skills in a specific area of interest, such as innovation or marketing. Workshops are held off-site, so they don’t interfere with work schedules. They tend to have more lectures than other types of programs; however there is still plenty of time for discussion and case studies.

Executive Education Certificate Programs

A certificate program is ideal for professionals who want to build on existing skills and knowledge.

These programs are designed to be completed in a short time frame, so they’re perfect if you’re looking to refresh your professional skills or get ahead of the curve. They can also be delivered in an accelerated format (known as a boot camp) that allows students to complete them in just a few days.

Overnight Executive Education Programs

An overnight program is typically held at a hotel or resort. Overnight programs are typically longer than day and half-day programs and may extend over multiple days. They are most often used by organizations that want to bring their team together for a focused experience that will make a lasting impact on them and the organization. Overnight programs can also be more expensive than their shorter counterparts because they are designed for teams of individuals who need to stay in one place for several days, but the benefits include:

International Executive Education Programs

An international executive education program will take you outside of your comfort zone and help you develop a global perspective. You’ll learn from experts from around the world, build relationships with people from different countries, and gain insight into the business culture of other countries.

Since most executive education programs are tailored to meet a company’s needs, it’s crucial to make sure that the program will deliver what you want.

Customized Corporate Executive Education Programs

Customized corporate executive education programs can be delivered on-site or online. Often, they are tailored to the needs of the organization and may include topics such as leadership and management skills, strategic thinking, change management and organizational development.

Customized programs can also be delivered in a classroom setting as well as online. You will want to find out if your workplace has any limitations for working remotely or whether you need to conduct training in person due to security concerns.

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There are many different types of executive education, and finding the right one will depend on your professional development needs.

There are many different types of executive education, and finding the right one will depend on your professional development needs.

  • Executive coaching: Coaching is a one-on-one process that offers confidential support and guidance for executives who want to improve performance, enhance their leadership effectiveness and increase overall job satisfaction.
  • Executive education workshops: These are short courses designed to help participants acquire new skills or learn new concepts in a fast-paced learning environment. They’re often delivered in an intensive format over a few days or at a weeklong event.
  • Executive education certificate programs: Certificate programs offer focused training on specific subjects related to business management, finance or marketing while others focus on career growth where participants can earn an industry certification such as Project Management Professional (PMP). Some programs are conducted entirely online while others require attendance at live events at select campuses around the world.
  • Overnight executive education programs: These typically last several weeks with full-time attendance required during each day’s session schedule unless otherwise stated by the school offering it (i.e., weekends only). They’re usually held on campus but may also be offered online through video conferencing technology if certain circumstances prevent regular attendance from being possible due to distance reasons from where they teach(es) live classes locally located somewhere else within country borders like ours here in Canada which means we don’t have anything like this type of option available yet—but hopefully someday soon!

Cost of Executive Education

The cost of executive education varies from program to program.

The cost of executive education varies from program to program. The length and type of the programs are two factors that contribute to the cost. For example, short weekend seminars tend to be less expensive than longer full-week programs offered by business schools. In addition, some institutions offer their own programs while others work with third parties (such as associations) who then provide similar programs under their own brand names.

The cost also depends on whether you receive credit for attending a program or not. If you opt for non-credit courses, then you may pay less because there is no opportunity for employers to reimburse them on your behalf later on in your career.*

How much does it cost?

The cost of executive education varies depending on the program, institution and number of credits.

It is not uncommon for costs to range from $1,000 to $10,000 per credit hour. However, there are many programs that offer discounts for additional courses or for enrolling in multiple courses at once. The average cost per student drops significantly when the program has a large number of students enrolled from one company; this is known as “bulk discount pricing” and can reduce tuition costs by up to 50%.

How is the cost of an executive education program calculated?

There are four main factors that determine the cost of an executive education program:

  • The number of credit hours in the program
  • The number of days in the program
  • The number of participants in the program (so-called ‘seat factor’ or “FTE”)
  • The number of programs available at a university
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What types of financial assistance are available?

  • Scholarships: If you plan to pursue an executive education program and have not yet received all the funding you need, consider applying for a scholarship. Scholarships are awarded based on merit, so if you meet the qualifications and can show that your participation would benefit your organization, chances are good that one will be offered to you.
  • Loans: If scholarships aren’t available or aren’t sufficient, loans may be an option for paying the full cost of the program (or part of it).
  • Grants: Some companies offer grants as part of their employee benefits packages; others use external sources like foundations or corporations with charitable arms such as The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation or General Electric Foundation to sponsor employees’ educational pursuits. In many cases these grants are available only to certain types of employees (e.g., those who work in HR), but some companies make them available across departments regardless of role so long as applicants meet certain criteria such as holding key leadership positions within their departments or having been employed for at least five years before applying for funding support towards their degree-related training needs from either an accredited university through online learning platforms like Coursera where some universities offer free memberships with no financial obligation whatsoever!

The cost of executive education varies depending on the length and structure of the program, the types of institutions offering the classes, and whether or not participants receive credit toward a degree or certificate.

For example, if you attend an executive MBA program at Harvard Business School (HBS) that lasts for two years and costs $80K per year with no academic recognition after completion, then it would be $160K total. However, if you were able to participate in an executive education program with HBS where you earn credit toward your PhD in leadership at Kellogg School of Management (KSM), then it would only be $48K total over two years as KSM includes tuition as part of their PhD program. The key takeaway here is that while one may think they are saving money by attending classes outside their institution’s network—and this could certainly be true—the benefits of earning credit toward a degree should not be overlooked.

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The most important thing that Executive Education does is it opens up new possibilities for your career. While the program itself is not necessarily a way to earn more money or get promoted, it gives you an opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge you need in order to succeed at whatever level of management you find yourself in. Executive Education programs are designed so that students can learn from each other as well as their instructors, making them an excellent networking opportunity as well. If you are interested in learning more about what Executive Education has to offer, please contact us today!

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