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List of Christian Colleges in North Carolina

Christian Colleges in North Carolina



For both students and parents, deciding where to attend college or university is a major decision. Many factors influence a student’s final college choice, including cost, distance from home, degree options offered, and the school’s social atmosphere. In addition, families must weigh the pros and downsides of attending a Christian or non-Christian college. Despite the wide range of Christian universities, there are a few commonalities that can be examined. Now that we know this, let’s look at some of the differences between Christian and non-Christian universities. 

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The Social Climate 

Christian colleges, on the whole, labor harder to control their student body’s morality. Many institutions have “lifestyle contracts” that students must sign. These agreements require students to refrain from drinking, using drugs, or having sex while in class. Students who breach the contract’s conditions may be taken before a review committee, which can impose penalties ranging from a verbal slap on the wrist to removal from the university. 

Except in the case of unlawful actions such as underage drinking or sexual assault, non-Christian universities do little to impose moral norms on students. Certain activities are frowned upon in state schools, but as long as they are legal and the student is over the age of 18, little to no action is done against them. In a non-Christian school, it’s generally simpler for students to engage in dangerous behavior. According to this survey, college administrators do not believe that managing student behavior is vital. 

Professorial Influence 

Professors have a significant influence on pupils. Professors have the capacity to impact a student’s opinions, thoughts, and even self-esteem, even in big courses. According to a 2005 Washington Post report, 72 percent of college teachers identify as liberal. Professors at non-Christian universities frequently purposefully question students’ ideas and preconceived notions. 

Professors in Christian colleges, on the other hand, are typically deeply religious and aim to instill spirituality in their students. Professors at small religious schools are more likely to take an interest in their pupils and care about shaping their lives. Christian universities’ smaller class sizes make it simpler to get to know professors and make students feel more connected in class. Professors engage with students to develop their religion in a constructive way, with the purpose of Christian colleges being to cultivate the full student – mind, body, and spirit. 


The expense of attending a private Christian school is typically higher than that of a state-sponsored university. Christian institutions can be many times more expensive than non-Christian colleges in terms of tuition and fees. For students who want to attend a Christian institution, however, scholarships, grants, and need-based financial aid may be more readily available. When it comes to alumni or donor-sponsored funding for entering students, many private universities have substantial coffers. Before concluding that a Christian college education is prohibitively expensive, families should compare the actual financial aid offerings of various schools. 

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One of the first decisions future college students and their families must make is whether to attend a Christian or non-Christian university. Both have advantages and disadvantages, and the unique characteristics of each student must be considered when beginning the college search.

List of Christian colleges in North Carolina are listed below. 

Duke University is a renowned private institution based in Durham

The lovely campus has architecture that is evocative of Oxford. This university is steeped in history, academics, and student life. Readers may be shocked to learn that Duke enrolls much more graduate students than undergraduates. They had around 6,500 undergraduates and 9,100 graduate students last year. 

Students may be put off by the low acceptance rate and costly tuition, but the fact that most students will graduate in four years at this famous academic institution has a lot of potential. The student population on campus is likewise diverse (41 percent Caucasian, 21 percent Asian-American, 9 percent African American, 7 percent Hispanic, and 22 percent from other nationalities). 

Montreat College is a private college in Montreat

Montreat has five sites spread throughout North Carolina to serve students in various places, despite its lower size when compared to major colleges such as Duke. The student-to-faculty ratio of 12:1 allows for a more individualized learning environment. There are undergraduate and graduate programs available. 

Students can participate in a variety of sports, and the college prides itself on its unique campus traditions, such as the King of Hearts pageant and the Downhill Derby challenge. Check out this school if you want to be a part of a strong, close-knit community with a variety of options to become active on campus. 

Campbell University is a private university located in Campbell

Tradition. This campus seems to be encapsulated by that word. This school isn’t short of celebrations, from honoring incoming students with medallions to ring ceremonies for juniors and seniors. 

Campbell University is one of just four private universities to receive the highest degree of accreditation. The aim of Campbell University, which was founded in the late 1800s, is to graduate students with excellent academic and professional abilities who are prepared for purposeful lives and meaningful service. 

Mid-Atlantic Christian University is a Christian university in the Mid-Atlantic 

Don’t be put off by the low enrollment numbers. There is a lot of student life and activities at this institution. Spiritual life is also abundant in the school. Chapels are held twice a week, and students who reside in the dorms have the opportunity to discuss difficult theological issues with one another on Thursdays. 

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University of William Peace 

Ninety-eight percent of the 2017 graduating class found work or continued their studies. WPU places a high premium on ensuring that students who attend this university graduate with a job. This, according to the school, is due in part to the fact that all WPU students are expected to participate in some type of internship during their time there. Outside of the university grounds, the campus offers a variety of fun activities for students, such as digging at an ancient site. 

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 St. Andrews University, North Carolina

Webber International University’s Webber International University branch is a very new university, having opened in 1961. St. Andrews routinely collaborates with local churches and ministries. Students not only get the opportunity to discuss hot button issues with religious leaders, but they also have the opportunity to minister to the body of Christ by participating in a local church plant. 

Students can participate in a variety of sports and activities, including a highly regarded equestrian program. There are also equine-based degrees available for those interested in careers such as therapeutic horsemanship. 

Grace College of Divinity is a divinity school in the United States. 

It’s rare to find a college with a room and board costing more than tuition or a faculty-to-student ratio of 9:1. 

If you’re interested in a career in Christian ministry, such as Christian counseling, Christian leadership, or Worship ministry, this school is a good place to start. At Grace, they make it their purpose to provide an affordable education for brothers and sisters in Christ who want to be ministers. 

The Apex School of Theology is equally famed for teaching theology. 

Do you want to get a degree that will prepare you for a career in ministry, especially in church leadership? But you don’t live in North Carolina, do you? Apex isn’t a problem. Apex is one of the few private colleges that offers online degree programs. The school was founded in 1995 and is still growing. This institution has a strong attitude of helpfulness, as indicated on their About page. Although numerous schools in the Raleigh-Durham area offer seminary programs, few are inexpensive. This school aims to make theological education accessible to students at a reasonable cost. 

Barton College is a private liberal arts college in the United States 

Students at Barton College, which borders the city of Wilson and its 50,000 residents, have the opportunity to explore the gorgeous campus and participate in the school’s varied undergraduate and graduate programs. At Barton, you can choose from more than 40 majors and programs, as well as join one of the 22 college NCAA II teams. 

Raleigh is also only a half-hour away, offering students lots of opportunities to socialize with their classmates in the city.

Why should you go to a Christian college? 

Find out what your life’s mission is and what your passions are. 

You’ll meet a wide range of people in college and be exposed to a variety of ideologies and beliefs. College is an excellent time to investigate identity issues and learn more about who you are and what you want out of life. 

Scripture should be at the center of your Christian life. God has spoken to us via His Word, which explains who He is, who we are, and how we should live in the Kingdom of God. You’ll learn how to read and interpret the Bible at a biblical university, not just for academic purposes, but also to strengthen your basic beliefs and nourish your spiritual life. 

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You’ll uncover strengths and abilities to serve God and His people as you learn more about God and His will. This may assist you in determining your future professional route, ministry engagement, relationships, and passions and ambitions. 

Combine your religion and your education. 

You shouldn’t have to divide your life into compartments. Your faith should make sense in the context of what you’re learning and studying, whether you’re studying art, history, or science. 

Consider modern topics like the link of science and faith, truth and beauty, or Christian ethics in a multifaceted society, and a biblical education will help address some of life’s challenging questions and moral dilemmas. Your education should not only prepare you for a profession, but also for thinking critically and developing godly character that will serve you wherever you go. 

Join a faith-based organization. 

In college, it’s critical to make friends and develop positive ties with your teachers. Joining a community that worships, prays, encourages, challenges, and holds members accountable is more vital. 

Faculty and administration at a biblical university will not only help you succeed professionally, but they will also serve as mentors and friends who are concerned about your spiritual and psychological well-being. 

College can be a place where you live out your faith alongside individuals who are committed to their Christian faith, much as the church is a community where broken people join together to serve God and grow together. 

Increase your social network and broaden your horizons. 

Christian students come from a variety of racial, ethnic, cultural, age, economic, and denominational backgrounds. While they all believe in God and share one faith, they come from a variety of racial, ethnic, cultural, age, economic, and denominational backgrounds. At a Christian college, not everyone will share your political, religious, or cultural ideas and opinions. 

Not all Christian college students are eighteen-year-old suburban Americans who grew up in the church. The pleasure of attending a Christian institution is meeting folks from all over the world who have incredible tales about how they came to religion. You may broaden your worldview and gain a deeper awareness of the diversity that exists all around you by interacting with one another, whether in the classroom, on the athletic field, or in the student lounge. 

Extend your learning beyond the classroom. 

There are numerous options for students to get out of the classroom and even travel outside of the nation! Christian college students receive many of the same possibilities as their secular counterparts, including professional internships, study abroad, and volunteer work at a variety of organizations. 

As a Christian college student, you’ll have the opportunity to go on mission trips both locally and worldwide, serving with a diverse group of people ranging from foreign missionaries to those who have never heard the Gospel. 

College will be a pivotal period in your development as a young adult. A Christian college may be able to assist you in discovering who God has created you to be as you begin to explore your identity, calling, faith, and personal values and beliefs.


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