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Data Science vs Computer Science: Key Differences


Data Science vs Computer Science

Data Science vs Computer Science: Data science is a subset of computer science, as both deal with data.

  • Data science is a subset of computer science, as both deal with data. Although data science deals more with statistics and machine learning while computer science focuses on computer systems, they are similar in that they both deal with data. They also share programming languages such as Python and Java, which are used to analyze information.
  • Computer scientists can create algorithms that run programs such as the Internet Explorer or Adobe Photoshop, whereas data scientists can use these programs to provide insights about market trends and customer behavior based on their analysis of increasing amounts of available information.

Computer science is the study of computers and their uses. It involves developing software, reprogramming systems and using algorithms to solve problems

Computer science is the study of computers and their uses. It involves developing software, reprogramming systems and using algorithms to solve problems. Computer scientists develop algorithms and programming languages that allow humans to tell computers what to do, as well as develop new ways for humans to use computers.

Computer science is more theoretical than data science. The former focuses on computation rather than practical application; it’s not so much concerned with data as it is with the larger system of computer usage itself. It also tends to lean towards machine learning—how these systems can be programmed for effective computing across a broad range of applications, from natural language processing to robotics.

Data science is better for statistical analysis, predictive modelling and data visualization; computer science is more focused on machine learning.

To understand the difference between data science and computer science, you need to look at what each job involves. Computer science is about building machines that can learn and make decisions on their own. Data science, on the other hand, is more focused on analyzing data; it’s better for statistical analysis, predictive modeling, and data visualization. Both of these fields are important to the future of technology – but they aren’t exactly the same thing.

So how do they differ? Let’s take a look at what each career entails:

  • Computer scientists focus on machine learning algorithms and complex programs that enable a machine to run by itself with little or no human help
  • Data scientists analyze raw information that has been collected from many different sources (such as customer databases) in order to draw conclusions about trends or patterns within this data set

A formal education in data science will start with a bachelor’s degree in math, statistics or computer science.

If you’ve already started your career, you can learn data science on the job and do not necessarily need a formal education. After all, many data scientists are self-taught.

But if you’re looking for a more formal education, start with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics or computer science. A Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in Math will teach the foundations of math including geometry and algebra as well as advanced topics like calculus and probability. If mathematics aren’t your thing but computers are, consider a computer science degree instead. Computer science teaches programming skills, systems design and computer architecture. In either case, expect to take courses in statistics, linear algebra and machine learning as well.

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Once you have your bachelor’s degree under your belt, decide whether you want to pursue an advanced degree in data science or go straight into the job market with just your undergraduate education. Having an advanced education is always useful for transitioning into new jobs or advancing within your current workplace but it does come at a cost: time and money (and potentially lost income from not being able to work during that time). If money is no object however, having an advanced degree will give you a competitive edge over other candidates without one when competing for jobs so it could be worth considering.

Most programs require students to complete a final project or thesis to demonstrate mastery of the subject matter.

Every student should be able to find a number of helpful resources when they need them. Sometimes it’s as easy as asking the right question, and other times a Google search is necessary. But if you’re working on your final project or thesis, you’ll need more than just information; you’ll need to know how to communicate your findings in order to really make an impact.

That’s why this section will teach you all about writing: how to ask the right questions, stay focused, use your time effectively, find the right resources, learn new skills and work with others. It will also show you how to present your findings in an engaging way that appeals both to technical and non-technical audiences.

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Data scientists need to know how to clean, organize and analyze data so they can provide actionable insights and make strategic recommendations based on their findings.

Data science is a subset of computer science. You’ve probably heard that before, but what does it actually mean? Data scientists need to know how to clean, organize and analyze data so they can provide actionable insights and make strategic recommendations based on their findings.

It’s a flexible career path with many different directions you can take. Data scientists are in high demand, they’re paid well, and they’re always learning.

Most employers expect students to have strong math skills as well as be experienced in working with different databases, programming languages, statistical packages and operating systems.

To participate successfully in a data science program, you should have a strong background in computer science and mathematics. This means that most employers expect students to have strong math skills as well as be experienced in working with different databases, programming languages, statistical packages and operating systems.

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However, while having these skills is important in the field of data science, they are not always primary requirements when deciding whether or not to hire an applicant. Many employers place more value on a candidate’s analytical abilities and their ability to use those skills to solve real-world problems.

Computer Science is a broader field than Data Science.

Computer Science is the study of computers and computational systems. It can be divided into several categories, including theory, hardware design, software engineering, programming languages and applications. Computer Science is a broad field and offers career opportunities in virtually every industry.

Data Science involves the application of computer science to data problems. A Data Scientist uses statistical techniques to explore data and solve problems at scale. Data Scientists generally come from scientific or technical backgrounds rather than computer backgrounds and are more focused on statistics than software engineering or system design.

Universities offering Data Science in the USA


  • Stanford University, located in Palo Alto, CA is one of the top-ranked universities in the world. Its Data Science program is also highly ranked.
  • Stanford has been a leader in research and innovation since its founding in 1885.
  • Stanford’s location near Silicon Valley provides many opportunities for students interested in careers with technology companies after graduation.
  • Stanford is a private university. This means that it receives no funding from the government, and tuition is expensive (about $71,000 per year). However, Stanford does offer generous financial aid packages to help alleviate some of these costs for students who need it.
  • Stanford has about 17,000 students enrolled each year.


Princeton is known for its focus on undergraduate teaching, and for having one of the lowest student-to-faculty ratios. It also has the largest endowment per student in the United States. Princeton alumni have won a total of 62 Nobel Prizes and 91 Rhodes Scholarships, the second highest number of any university. Both its men’s and women’s lacrosse teams regularly compete at championship level. In 2008, Princeton had a total enrollment of approximately 5,200 undergraduate students and 2,500 graduate students. The most famous alumnus is probably president Woodrow Wilson (whose son was also a Princeton alum).

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New York University (NYU) offers both a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in Data Science. The degree is interdisciplinary, taught by faculty from NYU’s Center for Data Science (CDS), the Computer Science Department, and the Applied Mathematics Program.

There are no special requirements to enter the undergraduate degree program. However, you must have completed prerequisite courses in calculus, linear algebra and programming before enrolling in certain core courses at NYU that teach coding and mathematics relevant to data science.

The Master of Science in Data Science is a nine-month intensive program with three semesters: fall, spring and summer. You can complete this degree on a full- or part-time basis. The curriculum includes foundational courses such as Machine Learning, Probability & Statistics; advanced topics such as Natural Language Processing & Text Analytics; electives such as Deep Learning & Neural Networks; professional development courses; seminars; and an applied capstone project driven by your own personal interests or career goals.

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is located in Cambridge, MA and is a private research university that’s one of the world’s most prestigious universities. MIT’s acceptance rate is very high: for the fall 2019 semester, MIT accepted 5.9% of applicants.

MIT offers over 1200 undergraduate courses and more than 80 majors to choose from, including some innovative programs in economics, management, computer science and engineering. Even if you are not interested in these topics, you might be interested to know that it has been ranked as the best overall college by Money Magazine four years running and was also ranked #1 among global universities by U.S News & World Report.


Columbia University is part of the prestigious Ivy League, and has been ranked #6 among all engineering schools in the United States. Located in New York City, Columbia boasts a student body of over 10,000 students. The school offers courses for data science including “Predictive Analytics for Business” and “Introduction to Data Science.”

If you’re interested in attending this private four-year university, be prepared to pay an annual tuition of $59,430 (as of 2015).


Cornell University is a highly selective school and admits only data science students with the highest GPA scores.

Cornell University is consistently ranked among the top universities in the United States, and it offers a wide variety of majors for students to specialize in.

The student body at Cornell is diverse, with over 100 different nationalities represented on campus.

Cornell also offers many clubs and activities for students who want to get involved with their community outside of classwork, including sports teams such as the rowing club, which has won numerous awards over the years. After graduation from Cornell, you can expect to have excellent job prospects based on your major choice.

University of Texas at Austin

Apart from being one of the largest universities in Texas, UT Austin is also one of Texas’s most reputable universities. Among its notable alumni are Bill Clinton—the United State’s 42nd president, and Mike Judge—the creator of Beavis & Butthead and King of the Hill. Here are some things to know about the University:

  • It has a good computer science department.
  • It has a good statistics department.
  • It has a good business school.
  • It has a good engineering school.
  • It has a good philosophy department (it is among the top 15 philosophy departments in the world).

There are some pretty good schools for Data Science in the USA.

On the contrary, there are some great schools in the USA that offer degrees in Data Science. Here is a list of schools and their respective locations:

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