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List of Best Military Schools in Texas

Military Schools in Texas



To begin with, military schools have a far greater graduation rate than public schools, as well as a significantly higher percentage of graduates who go on to college or university. Military schools frequently see 90 percent of its grads accepted into colleges. Read on for a list of Military Schools in Texas.

Military schools offer certain advantages that public institutions do not. Military schools have a far lower student-to-teacher ratio than public schools with overcrowding. Military schools also include physical fitness into their curriculum in a far more comprehensive way than regular schools. In most cases, a military school’s whole student body is required to participate in standardized physical training.

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Military schools know that not all students are athletes, thus they make an effort to ensure that all of their students participate in physical activity. For kids who are not interested in athletics, this opens up a far larger selection of activities, ranging from physical to cultural. Rifle teams, rock climbing, cycling, photography, drill teams, and boxing are examples of these activities. Each one is specifically designed to improve physical fitness and mental toughness, which will help students perform better in the classroom. In addition, most military academies provide JROTC programs, which are extremely valuable to students.

Should I Attend a Military School for Boys Only? 

Your son will feel less social pressure and have the freedom to express himself without fear of embarrassing himself in front of girls at a single-gender military school, which he would not be able to do at a co-ed school. High school is a difficult period for young boys as they develop physically and emotionally, and it has been demonstrated that placing them in an atmosphere that caters exclusively to the requirements of adolescent boys is advantageous.

Almost all boys’ schools give opportunities for social engagement with students of the opposite gender. It has been proven that some engagement with women is desirable, throughout these formative years. Students are usually free to tour the local village and socialize with the local girls. Boys can gradually develop comfortable around girls in a healthy manner by monitoring and limiting these contacts.

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List of Military Schools in Texas

Texas A&M University is a public university in Texas. 

The Corps of Cadets of Texas A&M University is one of the most visible and distinguished components of campus life in College Station, with a tuition price of $12,153. Texas A&M’s cadet program is one of the country’s oldest and largest. For more than 140 years, the corps, which was founded in 1876, has been grooming future military leaders.

Almost half of Corps graduates join the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or Marine Corps after graduation. At Texas A&M, there is no particular screening process to join the corps. Any student who has been accepted into the university is able to participate. If you join the Corps, you are not required to serve in the military. The Corps of Cadets is extremely important to campus life and culture, which makes the ROTC program at Texas A&M stand out. They play an important role in football games and other school festivities. At Texas A&M, you can’t go to a huge campus event without seeing the Corps.

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University of Texas at Austin 

The cost of tuition is $10,824.It should come as no surprise that Texas’ flagship university is on our list. The Department of Military Science manages the ROTC program in Texas and allows cadets to get school credit for courses related to a military career. You can join Army, Navy, or Air Force ROTC programs at the University of Texas. This entails enrolling in courses and receiving training from the Departments of Naval Science (Navy and Marines) and Air Force Science.

Each of these departments and cadres will be there for you as you progress from college student to cadre member to, maybe, commissioned officer in the US military. Each of these ROTC departments has a strong history of preparing young men and women for national duty. If you want to be a Longhorn and serve your country, check out these resources to determine if Austin is in your future.

Texas Tech University is a public university in Lubbock

The dedication to military duty is at the core of Texas Tech University – literally, the campus’ Memorial Circle was dedicated to all whose service has given honor to college and country in 1948. Today, Texas Tech University has more than 2,000 veterans or family members among its students, as well as more than 250 academic and staff members who have served. The Military & Veterans Programs department of the institution is exclusively dedicated to assisting veterans and their families in achieving their goals. It helps veterans obtain their Veterans Educational Benefits and eases their transition to campus by connecting them to resources both on and off campus.

Military members and their dependents are also highlighted at Texas Tech University after graduation. For graduating veterans and active duty members, the institution presents camouflage-tipped stoles, while spouses and children of active service members are given a special cord as a means for the university to recognize and appreciate the specific sacrifices that family members make. Of course, Texas Tech has two ROTC detachments, one each for the Air Force and the Army. Both of these military departments are prepared and dedicated to generating brilliant pupils as well as outstanding officers for the future military.

Prarie View A&M University is located in Prarie View, Texas. 

Prarie View A&M University is a historically black, public university that has three ROTC groups: Army, Navy, and Air Force. The ROTC programs at Prarie View A&M, a mid-sized state university, have a long tradition of producing competent officers in the United States military. It can be difficult to get into the ROTC programs at Prarie View A&M. For example, in order to enter the Navy ROTC program, you must have a 2.5 high school GPA, a SAT score of 1050 or better, and complete the program’s physical criteria. The admission requirements for the Army and Air Force ROTC programs are different.

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Sam Houston State University is a public university in Houston, Texas. 

The cost of tuition is $8,536. During the Korean War, Sam Houston State’s ROTC program was established in 1952. Since then, Sam Houston State has a long and illustrious history of producing outstanding officers and students. While a student at Sam Houston State, aspiring military leaders can join the Army ROTC. Scholarships covering tuition, fees, accommodation, and books are available to prospective students. This implies you won’t have to take out big student debts to continue your education.

You can join the military debt-free and ready to fight for your nation. Summer training sessions are held in Fort Knox, Kentucky, where the US Armory School is located. See if Sam Houston State is the appropriate fit for you if you want to be a US Army officer and possibly get your school paid for.

We hope that this list has aided you in your search for graduate schools and programs. There are no paid or favored listings on our list. It is created subjectively, based on a variety of factors such as tuition per credit hour, admission rate, number of programs offered, and funding availability. If you are a university representative and would want to contact us concerning a) your school’s ranking or b) the fact that your school is not listed, please do so. We appreciate your comments and suggestions.

What Are the Benefits of Attending Military School? 

Is my son’s best option a military school? When it comes to their high school son’s education, many parents nowadays are looking for alternatives. The truth is that the outcomes of congested public school systems are just inadequate. These schools are beset by rising levels of violence and drug use, are underfunded, and generate students who receive poorer grades and perform poorly on standardized tests. In other words, kids who graduate from public schools are unprepared for the demands of college life.

Dropout rates are also on the rise, as revealed by national research. This, in turn, affects the total earning potential and quality of life of public school pupils. As a result, during the last few years, an increasing number of parents have enrolled their boys in private schools, and more charter schools and alternative schools have been founded. The takeaway is that the public education system has a serious problem, and parents are increasingly looking for alternatives such as military schools.

Military schools have always been a popular choice among parents, and they have lately expanded to include college prep programs. Academic standards in these schools have risen, and military schools are even more selective in their application selection than they were previously. As a result, troubled youths are finding it increasingly difficult to enroll in a military school. Military schools are no longer the go-to answer for disturbed males who struggle to accept the standards of conventional schools; instead, they are becoming increasingly popular among students seeking an advantage in their application to top colleges and universities.

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How much does it cost to attend a military school? 

Most college prepared military boarding schools charge between $25,000 and $50,000 per year in tuition. 

Costs are the same everywhere. 

Students at a military school are usually required to wear certain uniforms. Different uniform sets for different occasions, such as Class A or dress uniforms for special events or Class B uniforms for everyday wear, may be included. They may wear sporting uniforms as well as Class C or utility uniforms like BDUs. Hats, belts, rank and other insignia, ribbons and medals, and even sabers or swords may be required uniform accessories. 

Unless the school includes uniforms in the tuition price, you can expect to pay between $1,000 and $4,000 for mandatory uniforms your first year.

Programs of Interest 

Special programs, such as academic tutoring, English as a Second Language (ESL) seminars, SAT/ACT test preparation courses, or dual enrollment classes that grant both high school and college credit, may be subject to additional fees. 

You may be charged additional fees for textbooks, required school supplies, laundry services, technology fees, and other incidental expenditures that are not included in the tuition price, depending on the school’s requirements.

Affordability and Financial Aid 

For many parents today, affordability is a major worry. Many families may find the cost of tuition and fees for a military school to be prohibitive. The majority of military schools provide financial aid to assist families with these concerns. 

Simply because one school offers more financial aid to the family, a school with a lower tuition price may end up costing a family more than a school with a higher tuition price. Depending on the endowment, aid philosophy, and tuition costs, financial aid packages might vary substantially from school to school.

Scholarships awarded on the basis of merit 

Merit-based scholarships are financial aid grants awarded to students based on their academic abilities, athletic abilities, or other particular talents rather than documented financial need. Most institutions seek to enroll exceptional students who will contribute to the improvement of their school and student population, and merit-based scholarships are one tool they employ to achieve this goal.

Financial Aid Based on Need 

Grants based on demonstrated financial need are known as need-based financial aid. Need-based financial aid is used by schools to help students who would otherwise be unable to pay to attend. In most cases, you’ll need to fill out a financial aid application that considers your family’s income, assets, and financial situation. With your financial aid application, you may be required to provide tax returns or other paperwork.

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