ScholarshipsStudy Abroad

Tips On How To Apply For Scholarships

How To Apply For Scholarships. If you’re like me, you’re probably looking for ways to fund your education. After all, college isn’t cheap and the cost of tuition is only going up. Scholarships are one way to help pay for school and make it possible for you to attend the university of your dreams.

But how do you find scholarships? How do you apply for them? And how do you make sure that your application stands out from the rest? This guide will help answer those questions so that when it comes time to fill out applications, get ready: You’ll know exactly what to expect!



>Create a Timeline

>Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute

>Ask for Recommendations and Letters of Recommendation Before the Deadline

>Get a Transcript and Application Forms Ahead of Time

Research the scholarship program

First, research the scholarship program. You should be able to find all of the details on its website or through a simple Google search. Look at how much money is available, what are the requirements, when does it start and end and other important things like that.

Next, check out what their deadlines are. And look at who they have awarded in previous years! This will give you an idea of how competitive this particular scholarship is going to be because sometimes there are only a few winners and sometimes there are many!

Get a copy of your transcript

You will need a copy of your transcript for many scholarship applications. If you have already graduated from college, ask the registrar at your old school for a copy. If you are still in high school, request transcripts and test scores from both the high school and college that you plan to attend.

Don’t ignore the small scholarships

Remember, don’t be afraid to apply for small scholarships. It’s true that larger awards are more prestigious and can help you make a bigger impact on your education. But smaller awards are often easier to win, which means that it is less likely that other applicants will be competing with you.

Additionally, smaller awards typically have fewer requirements than larger ones — meaning they’re easier to apply for and get accepted into. Finally, small scholarships will often award money directly to students who need it most: low-income students or first-generation college goers. They also tend not to require repayment (but check with the organization before making any assumptions).

Get recommendations from your teachers and employer

  • Ask your teachers to write letters of recommendation.
  • Ask your employer to write you a letter of recommendation.
  • Don’t wait until the last minute! You want these letters in hand before you apply for scholarships, so that you can use them in your application.
  • Make sure to ask people who know you well, have seen your work and know what you are capable of.

Learn how to write a winning essay

  • Make sure your essay is original.
  • Make sure your essay is well-written.
  • Make sure your essay is relevant.
  • Make sure your essay is focused on the topic of the scholarship program you’re applying for, and think about how you can use it to showcase a unique skill or talent that will help you make a contribution to society once you’ve graduated.
  • Keep in mind that essays are typically only one page long (though some may have different requirements), so be concise and efficient with words! Don’t try to pack too much information into one paragraph, because it’s unlikely that admissions officers will read past what they consider “enough” information given the size constraints of an application packet—and even if they do read further into a paragraph or two, all those extra words can create unnecessary confusion during their evaluation process which might make them lose interest in reading further down into other parts of an applicant’s packet due simply because they didn’t feel like going through all those extra sentences just yet when there were so many other things left untouched throughout this particular piece alone! So keep this in mind while writing out any drafts beforehand before sending them off somewhere else where they’ll get judged against others competing against each other vying for similar opportunities available at institutions such as yours (or theirs).

Know when you should and shouldn’t use scholarship search services

If you are a student who is already aware of the scholarships for which you are eligible and have already applied for them, then it may not make sense to use a scholarship search service. Scholarship search services can be helpful in uncovering new opportunities that students hadn’t previously considered or thought of applying for.

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However, if you know the exact scholarships that fit your profile and have already started applying for them, then there’s no need to pay money for access to a database full of information about those same scholarships.

Don’t give up if you don’t win your first time, or even your second or third time; it takes persistence to find the right fit.

Apply early, often and wisely to be sure you get the best funding opportunities possible.

The earlier you apply for scholarships, the better your chances of winning. As soon as you get an idea of where you want to go for college and which schools have a good fit for your personality and academic strengths, start researching scholarships that will help make that happen. Don’t wait until senior year, when it’s too late!

Follow all application instructions carefully. If a scholarship asks for something in particular (a certain essay topic), write about that topic—don’t try to be clever and do something else because no one else is doing it or because “it seems easier.”

You’ll end up wasting time on an essay that needs more work than what was asked for in the first place. When in doubt about how much information to include on a form or writing prompt, err on providing too much rather than too little information; this way there won’t be any questions left unanswered after submitting your application request (and they will appreciate knowing everything they asked).

List Of Top Scholarship Bodies and Organizations

Horatio Alger Association

The Horatio Alger Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting education and character development, awards scholarships to many students who do not qualify for other types of financial aid. While the number of scholarships awarded each year is dependent on the level of donations received by the association, the average amount is between $1,000 and $2,000 per scholarship.

To be eligible for one of these scholarships, you must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and have successfully completed at least one year of college or technical school. You may apply if you are currently attending an accredited college or university as an undergraduate student studying full-time; however if currently enrolled at an accredited institution you must also demonstrate academic achievement in order to qualify.

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation awards scholarships to high school seniors, college and graduate students, teachers, and students of color with disabilities. Students must be U.S. citizens or legal residents who have applied for financial aid and be enrolled full-time at an accredited four-year college or university in the United States by September 1. Scholarships range from $10,000 to full tuition.

Contact your scholarship provider directly for more information about specific eligibility requirements and application deadlines.

American Psychological Foundation

The American Psychological Foundation Scholarship is for psychology students looking to advance their studies. The foundation offers four scholarships, each as a $5,000 award: one for undergraduates, one for graduate students, one for minority students and one for female students. All applicants must be enrolled full time at an accredited college or university and maintain at least a 3.0 GPA.

Applicants must also demonstrate financial need and write an essay about how they plan to pursue a career in the field of psychology. The deadline is October 1st every year.

National Multiple Sclerosis Society Scholarship Program

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to students with MS.

The scholarship is open to full-time students at accredited colleges, universities, and vocational schools in the United States.

To qualify for this award, you must be diagnosed with MS and have been a member of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society for at least one year prior to applying.

You may also be eligible if your parent or guardian has been a member of the organization for at least one year prior to application. The society offers a membership form on its website here:

American College of Healthcare Executives Scholarships

  • The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) is a nonprofit association of healthcare executives.
  • The ACHE Scholarship Program is a program to encourage and support the education of students in healthcare administration.

Scholarships are awarded to undergraduate and graduate students who have demonstrated leadership ability, academic excellence and financial need.

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American Society for Public Administration Scholarship Programs

  • American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Scholarship Program
  • ASPA Graduate Student Scholarship Program
  • ASPA Undergraduate Student Scholarship Program
  • ASPA Student Diversity Scholarship Program
  • ASPA Graduate Student Diversity Scholarship Program
  • ASPA Graduate Student Fellowship Program

Aspiring Animation Professional Scholarship Program

The Aspiring Animation Professional Scholarship Program awards up to $10,000 to students studying animation. The scholarship is open to students with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents and enrolled in an accredited degree program at an accredited four-year college or university in the United States (including Puerto Rico).

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Elks National Foundation

The Elks National Foundation scholarship is for members of the Elks who are studying law. To be eligible, you must be in good standing with the Elks and not a member of this organization. The amount varies depending on your financial need and school type.

IEEE Power & Energy Society Scholarships

The IEEE Power & Energy Society Scholarships are awarded to students studying engineering, computer science, physics, mathematics, business and other relevant fields. The scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate a strong interest in the field of power and energy.

The award amount varies from $500 – $5,000 per year depending on your academic performance and financial needs.

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarships

  • Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarships: Scholarship is open to students who are Hispanic, of Hispanic descent, or who have demonstrated a commitment to Hispanic issues. Students must be full-time undergraduate students pursuing studies at an accredited institution in the U.S. or Puerto Rico. The scholarship is for the upcoming academic year; applicants must be high school seniors planning to enroll as freshmen in fall 2019 with at least a 3.0 GPA average on their last two years’ worth of high school classwork and standardized test scores (ACT or SAT).

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How To Spend Your Scholarship Money Wisely

Scholarship money can be a huge blessing, especially for students who are already struggling financially. It can be tempting to spend all your scholarship money as soon as you get it, but doing so can result in a lot of wasted funds. If you’re smart about how you manage your scholarship money, however, you should be able to use that money wisely and still have plenty left over at the end of the year. Here are some tips for spending your scholarship wisely:

save for graduation

You should save for graduation. How much you need to save depends on your school, your major and whether or not you live at home. If you have a car, the amount will be higher. For example, if your school is in a large city like New York or San Francisco and has an expensive tuition rate—and if it’s possible that you’ll be living on campus—you may want to save upwards of $20k-$25k by graduation day.

save for job search expenses

Now that you have a chunk of money to play with, what do you do? Make sure to set aside some money for job search expenses. For example, if you’re looking for a full-time job or internship in your field of study, it is likely that the employer will want to pay for travel costs and interview clothes. You should also consider saving up some cash so that if there are any unexpected travel or scheduling mishaps on your end, then at least your wallet won’t be left empty-handed.

You can save up this money in a checking account or savings account until needed for those expenses. Make sure not to blow through the rest of your scholarship right away—you’ll need it later on when searching for employment!

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save for emergencies

Now that you have all this money to spend, how are you going to do it? A good first step is making an emergency fund. An emergency fund is money that’s specifically set aside for any unexpected expenses or emergencies.

This could be anything from a car repair to a job loss due to an illness that leaves you unable to work for some time. The point of this account is that it’s there when something goes wrong and you need cash right away—not just “when there are no other options.”

One rule of thumb is saving up six months worth of living expenses in your savings account so if something happens, like losing your job unexpectedly or needing expensive dental work suddenly, then at least you’ll have some money coming in while looking for another job or paying off dental bills respectively.

Most experts recommend having at least three months’ worth saved up as well just so even if something unexpected happens twice within six months it won’t put too much strain on your finances

spending on books

  • Buy used books.
  • Buy books online.
  • Buy books from the library.
  • Buy books from a local bookstore.
  • Buy books from a used bookstore. If you’re on a budget, consider buying used textbooks instead of new ones if you can find them at a lower price; they’ll likely be in good condition and will save money over time as well as help reduce clutter in your home! Just remember that some stores may not accept previously owned textbooks for exchange or return (this is usually because such items are an investment), so check their policies before making any purchases like this!
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If you’re looking for low-cost ways to purchase new titles, try checking out your school’s library first—they may have copies available that haven’t yet been checked out by other students who might want them more than yourself! Or perhaps even better: visit one near campus which has many titles available for sale at reasonable prices (especially considering how expensive college tuition costs today).

spending on conferences and travel to conferences

  • How to spend money on conferences:
  • Conference fees can range from $500 to $5,000 depending on the event. If it’s a smaller conference, you may be able to find scholarships for the conference itself. On average, students attend about one conference per month and spend about $400 per event.
  • How to spend money on travel:
  • Students who want to travel should prepare for some additional costs that might not be covered by their scholarship or student loans—flights and accommodations (if they don’t live in the city where the conference is being held), food during breaks between sessions (a lot of attendees skip lunch altogether), registration fees at events where there are no scholarships available or when they’re used up already (such as with tech conferences).

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spending on a laptop computer

The laptop computer is a necessity for college students. It can be difficult to imagine, but there was a time when laptops weren’t common in the classroom. In fact, it wasn’t until the mid-1990s that they became an option for most people—and even then, they were very expensive. Today, however, they’re far more affordable and worth every penny of their price tag (which may also be cheaper than you think).

Why? The answer is simple: portability. If you’re going back to school after years away from campus life or older than your classmates in general, you’ll likely recognize how functional and handy this device will be for your needs as a student.

spending on a tablet computer

If you’re using your scholarship money to buy a tablet computer, it’s important to do some research first. You’ll want to know what options are out there and which one best suits your needs. For example, if you’re buying a tablet for schoolwork, make sure it has enough storage space so that all of your files will fit on the device at once without having to delete anything.

If you’re planning on using your tablet for entertainment purposes such as playing games and watching movies or TV shows online, look for one with a large screen size (at least 10 inches). This way it can be easier for others in the room see what’s happening on the screen from different angles rather than just sitting directly in front of them like when watching TV together at home or sitting next seat over.

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managing your scholarship money can be difficult but these steps will help you do it wisely

Managing your scholarship money can be difficult, but these steps will help you do it wisely.

  • Save some of your money. You should consider putting some of the money into a savings account or other investment vehicle to help ensure that you will have funds available to you in the future.
  • Spend some of your money on things that are necessary for living, such as food and rent. The rest should go toward fun things like movies and concerts, books or magazines, games on your phone or tablet computer—whatever pleases you! There’s no need to spend all of your scholarship funds on “necessities” when there are plenty of fun things out there waiting for you!
  • Buy something for someone else who needs it more than yourself! If it’s within reason (and not illegal) then do not hesitate!


Once you have your application ready to go, don’t wait until the last minute. Scholarship deadlines are typically in the fall, so start applying as early as possible. The more time you have to make revisions and answer questions, the better your chances of being chosen. Finally, remember that not all scholarship programs are created equal; do some research before applying so you know what kind of funding options are available!

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