List of High Schools in Lubbock Texas


List of High Schools in Lubbock Texas

List of High Schools in Lubbock Texas


Monterey High School

Monterey High School is located in Lubbock Texas and their student teacher ratio is 16:1. Their current principal is Mr. Mike Jefferies. They offer AP courses along with dual credit courses. They are known for having an award winning band and Wind Ensemble. On their website, they state that they have won the UIL Region One Marching Band Contest 28 times and have competed in the UIL State Marching Competition 26 times and have placed as high as 4th place, in addition to winning many other awards over the years.

Coronado High School

Coronado High School is located in Lubbock, Texas. It is a high school with grades 9-12 and has an enrollment of 1736 students. The student to teacher ratio is 14.6, which means that teachers can give more individualized attention to their students, which could be advantageous for you or your child if they have specific learning needs.

58% of Coronado High School students are college ready, meaning that they’ve taken the appropriate courses to be ready for college and have a strong academic background when applying for colleges or universities.

Students take either the SAT or ACT, which are tests that measure academic readiness for college. 58% of Coronado High School students take the SAT and 29% take the ACT. The average score on the SAT at Coronado High School is 1240 and 22 on the ACT, both of which are proficient scores that indicate a student has mastered college-readiness skills in English language arts and mathematics.

The graduation rate at Coronado High School is 95%, which means there’s over a 90% chance that you or your child will graduate if they attend this high school! This also indicates that previous students have been satisfied with their educational experience at this high school and demonstrates its value as an institution of learning!

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Frenship High School

Frenship High School is a public high school in Wolfforth, Texas. It is part of the Frenship Independent School District and serves most of the city of Wolfforth, as well as other parts of southern Lubbock County.

The mascot for Frenship High School is the tiger. The colors are orange, black and white. The Tigers compete in six sports within District 2-6A including: basketball, baseball, softball, soccer (boys & girls), track (boys & girls), cross country (boys & girls) and football.

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Lubbock High School

Lubbock High School is one of four secondary schools in the Lubbock Independent School District. Located at 2004 19th Street, it is one of the oldest high schools in Texas. Established in 1905 and graduating its first class in 1909, it has a rich history that dates back to the early 1900s.

The school is part of the Lubbock ISD system, which also includes Coronado High School, Monterey High


How to select best high schools

get a sense of safety

School safety is one of the most important aspects in the selection of a high school, and should be considered a top priority by students, parents and teachers. Campus crime statistics are one way to assess school safety. Statistics that compare a particular school’s violent or non-violent crimes with those of other schools and districts can reveal whether your child’s school is safe.

Another way to assess safety is to look at the history of violence at the school, including recent incidents as well as policies and programs designed to prevent future occurrences. A campus culture that encourages open communication between students, parents, teachers and staff can also help prevent these dangerous situations from ever happening in the first place.

survey the athletics programs

If athletics is going to be a big part of your high school experience, take a look at the programs available. Are there options that interest you? Are there varsity, junior varsity and freshman teams? Keep in mind that the size of the school will affect which sports are offered. Most small schools can’t match large schools in this area, but just because a school is small doesn’t mean it doesn’t have good opportunities for young athletes.

check test scores, rankings and ratings

Checking out test scores, rankings and ratings is a great place to start your research. Even if standardized tests aren’t your number one priority (they’re not mine), they can still help you narrow down your options.

Be sure to check the state and national test results for schools you are considering. You can find these on School Digger, U.S. News & World Report, GreatSchools and even on individual school websites.

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You may find that some schools have higher test scores than others but keep in mind that there are many factors involved like socioeconomic status of the population and how well the school prepares students for standardized testing (yes, this happens).

find out if there are any special programs or magnet schools

Once you’ve narrowed down the high schools to a few of your favorites, it’s time to find out if there are any special programs or magnet schools associated with them.

A special program is essentially an area of specialization that focuses on certain skills or topics. Special programs allow students who show a particular aptitude in a given field to challenge themselves while developing their talents. High schools may also offer special programs within their curriculum that are based around the school’s strengths and core values, such as those targeting the development of leadership skills.

Magnet schools provide an alternative education structure for highly gifted students and learners with specialized interests (for example, magnet schools often offer more advanced curriculum than traditional high schools). These school environments can attract students from across districts due to their attractive offerings, which include unique educational opportunities that may leave students better prepared for college and careers after graduation.

Some examples of common high school special programs include:

  • Honors classes
  • Advanced Placement classes
  • Dual enrollment courses
  • International Baccalaureate Program (IB)
  • Career and technical education (CTE) classes
  • ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) courses

Examples of magnet schools include:

  • Arts & Communication Magnet Academy
  • Carl Hayden Community High School – Global Academy – Health Professions High School – iLEAD Exploration – Liberty High School – Richard Montgomery High School – STEM Academy

look into public arts programs the school offers

  • investigate the school’s public arts programs. By encouraging your child to pursue a discipline in the fine arts, you’re doing more than simply allowing them access to a great outlet for their creativity—you’re also giving them an edge when it comes to future test scores and crucial academic skills. Studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between arts education and higher test scores in math, science, reading, writing, and standardized tests. Public art programs can also provide your child with much-needed breaks from the stresses of regular classwork. And if they discover they have a particular talent for, say, drawing or dance that leads them down new paths of learning? Even better!
  • get involved with the extracurriculars yourself by volunteering at school events and fundraisers. In addition to being a good way to make friends while building community spirit, this will give you first-hand insight into how active parents are within the school environment—and what kinds of opportunities students are offered outside of class.
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ask about other activities offered besides classes

  • Extracurricular activities can be a great way to help your child develop social skills and learn more about topics that interest them. Whether they’re into sports, politics, art, or something else entirely, there are countless opportunities outside of the classroom for students to engage with their passions. Activities like these can also be helpful in building a resume for college applications.
  • The school you choose should have extracurriculars that meet your child’s interests and needs. Schools may offer everything from sports teams to special academic programs.

These are some aspects to consider when selecting a high school

When choosing a high school, the first thing you should consider is your goals. What do you want to get out of the experience? Are you looking to further your academic career, or are you more interested in music and art programs? Once you’ve established what’s most important to you, it will be easier for you to find a school that fits with your interests.

The next thing to consider is your budget. If finances are an issue, there might be certain schools that will be off limits for this reason alone. However, if there’s a particular program or school that falls outside of your budget but still seems like a great fit for you intellectually and socially, it’s worth investigating whether the school offers any financial aid or scholarship opportunities. Many do!

Don’t forget to look into special programs offered by different schools as well. Some schools offer internship programs which allow students to get hands-on experience working at local businesses while earning credit towards graduation. Other schools offer Advanced Placement (AP) classes as well as dual enrollment classes which enable students to earn college credits simultaneously with their high school credits. These are just two examples; each school will have its own special programs which may be uniquely suited for your needs and desires!

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