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Georgetown University Transfer Acceptance Rate

Georgetown University Transfer Acceptance Rate


According to some reports, Georgetown University’s transfer acceptance rate is as low as 6.63 percent. 

This is less than half of the school’s non-transfer acceptance rate of 17 percent, and slightly more than half of the 11.2 percent early acceptance rate. 

Note that this rate is quite low compared with the national average. 

According to a survey by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, the average percentage of admission for transfer students at any college or institution in the United States is 62 percent. First-year candidates, on the other hand, had a higher acceptance rate of 66 percent. 

In the United States, the ratio of admitted transfer students to accepted first-year students is roughly 1:21, or 5%. Transfer students, on the other hand, make up barely 2% of the Georgetown student population. 

When determining admissions selections for transfer students, Georgetown analyzes the amount of available space in the first-year class in addition to GPA and test results. 

Transfer students with outstanding academic backgrounds may not be allowed depending on how many first-year candidates accept their offers of admission in a particular year, even if they were accepted in a previous year. 

As a consequence, the approval percentage for transfers fluctuates greatly from year to year.


History of Georgetown University

Georgetown University, founded in 1789, is a tiny private institution with a view of the Potomac River. Its urban campus is within a few minutes’ drive from downtown Washington, DC. 

The school was the country’s first Catholic institution of higher learning, and it upheld the Jesuit heritage of humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and fine arts study. 

Georgetown’s degree programs in global studies and political science are well-known, which is understandable considering the school’s location in the heart of Washington, DC, a national hub for political action. 

The institution features numerous well-known research programs with cutting-edge equipment and a lot of competent staff members, in addition to good political science degree options. 

Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Bill Clinton are among the notable graduates.

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Georgetown Transfer Application Requirements & GPA 

Transfer students are not required to have a set GPA, however it is recommended that they have at least a 3.7 or B+ average in order to be considered competitive applicants. 

Accepted transfer candidates have an average GPA of 3.8 to 3.9. The majority of Georgetown transfers were in the top 10% to 20% of their high school graduating class. 

Students must have completed high school or an equivalent program and at least one, but no more than four, full-time semesters of university courses to be eligible to transfer to Georgetown. 

Official transcripts from all prior institutions, as well as a Dean’s report, a professor’s report, and a second school report, including a final high school transcript, are required of transfer candidates. 

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SAT or ACT scores are also required on the transfer application unless the student has been out of high school for at least five years previous to their anticipated start date at Georgetown. 

Those who had planned to take the SAT or ACT but were unable to do so due to COVID-19 may still apply for a transfer without penalty. Students who have taken these examinations, however, may not be able to opt out of having their results sent.


Deadline for Georgetown Transfers 

The deadline for submitting transfer applications to Georgetown is March 1st for students interested in enrolling for the fall semester and November 1st for those interested in enrolling for the spring semester. 

Students who intend to transfer to Georgetown must additionally submit the Transfer Supplement and any supporting documentation by this date, in addition to the transfer application. There is also a $75 application fee that must be paid at the time of application. 

Students who face an insurmountable financial obstacle due to the application cost may seek for a fee waiver while completing their transfer application. 

At the transfer application deadline, financial aid applications and supporting papers, such as the student’s College Board CSS profile, will be required. 

If a transfer candidate is given admission to Georgetown, they will have until June 15th to respond to whether or not they choose to accept the offer and begin school. 


What is the deadline for Georgetown transfer decisions? 

By June 1st of each year, transfer candidates will be notified of the Georgetown admissions committee’s decision. 

Admitted transfer students who applied for the fall semester have until June 15th to let Georgetown know whether they want to accept the school’s offer of admission. 


The determination deadline for students who applied for transfer in the spring semester is approximately December 1st of each year. 

As a result of the pandemic’s lingering effects on enrollment rates, first-year retention rates, and incoming class numbers, Georgetown has just recently agreed to admit transfer students in the spring semester, beginning in the spring 2021 semester. 

Spring transfer candidates must be rising sophomores, which means they must have completed two semesters of full-time college-level curriculum while matriculating at Georgetown. 

Some transfer applicants may hear that they have been put on the waitlist when admissions choices for transfer students are revealed. Although the institution cannot promise that a certain number of candidates on the waitlist will be accepted, it is a distinct possibility.


The Mission Statement of Georgetown College 

Georgetown College, the nation’s first Catholic school of higher learning, is dedicated to the Jesuit traditions of integrated teaching and creative research in the liberal arts, including fine arts, humanities, languages, sciences, and social sciences, and was founded in 1789. In an era of global community, the College strives to extend the imagination, nourish the life of the spirit, stimulate lifelong learning, inspire service to God and mankind, and promote respect for variety. 

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This Catholic institution supports study outside the classroom by using the national and international resources of Washington, DC in its research and instructional purposes. It promotes a tight engagement between teachers and students in the pursuit of similar objectives by affirming the interdependence of teaching and research. Georgetown College as a community strives to develop persons of character who are committed to innovation and social justice, and who are prepared to face the challenges of the present and future in light of the responsibilities of liberty. 


Georgetown College’s History 

John Carroll, Archbishop of Baltimore, established Georgetown College in 1789, making it the oldest Catholic college in the United States. He was a progressive citizen of his day who sincerely believed in the United States Constitution’s values. He said unequivocally that the new institution will be open to students of all faiths. 

President James Madison signed the act of Congress that established Georgetown College on March 1, 1815. Another legislative legislation integrated it in 1844. Georgetown students fought for both the North and the South during the Civil War. The colors blue and gray were later chosen by the College to represent the reunited nation as well as the sons of Georgetown who had fought on both sides of the country’s civil war. 

Georgetown College alumni have risen to the forefront of practically every human activity from its foundation to the current day. They work in business, law, medicine, and research and act as educators, public leaders, and statesmen. 

Today, proud of its past and heritage, Georgetown aims to serve the communities and the globe in which it lives through all of its alumni. The purpose of the College is to give a liberal education to young men and women who will be called to intellectual, moral, and professional leadership, as well as to instill in them a lifetime dedication to the pursuit of truth. 

As a Jesuit institution, it relies on a vibrant educational heritage marked by an optimistic Christian humanism and a commitment to taking responsibility and action. As a result, the College strives to foster critical thinking skills, a respect for tradition and human reason, and an appreciation for life and all of its pursuits. It encourages not only the pursuit of intellectual disciplines, but also the pursuit of personal values and convictions that will enable its graduates to continue redefining and maturing their thinking throughout their lives, as well as the integration of their activities, values, and relationships with others. 

In order to achieve these goals, the College has created a diverse academic curriculum that emphasizes basic concerns and ultimate ideals. Quality teaching and the development of a learning community among staff, students, and administrators are given top emphasis.

Why should you go to Georgetown University? 



Let’s talk about the most important thing here. Georgetown is really posh. U.S. News & World Report placed us #20. Simply put, if you go here, everyone will know you’re clever. For those derpy occasions, it comes in handy for name-dropping. 

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There are a number of really great folks that teach here, including Madeleine Albright, who is well-known. Everyone is really bright and skilled at teaching, and due to the tiny class sizes, it’s simple to get to know any professor one-on-one if you so choose. 



We’re technically in D.C., and you can stroll straight over to the monuments if you exit via the main gates. D.C. is an amazing place where things are always happening. I’ve always felt safe strolling alone at night since we live in a residential neighborhood with no direct metro stations. 



Do you need a cup of sugar? You may be knocking on the door of John Kerry, who lives just off campus (apparently he walks his dog at night). Many important individuals dwell in this area, but you shouldn’t go looking for them…… or should you? 


Beautiful Tours take visitors to the top of Village A, where they can view the Potomac, although they are not available around sunset. Also, our structures were constructed in the 18th century, which means they aren’t really useful, but they are very stunning. 



Let’s get down to business for a while. I was torn between Georgetown and Hopkins until Hopkins made it a lot easier for me, if you get my drift. I was enraged because I desired Hopkins’ work-hard, don’t-play approach, but I was mistaken. It’s wonderful to be able to text someone for homework assistance. Or to go to sleep. Sleep is beneficial. 


People are attractive

Damn, that’s hot. Everyone is very gorgeous. Eveyrone. The employees of the dining hall are lovely. I’m not sure how so many gorgeous and bright individuals can be together in one area. Why do guys dress in business casual? I’ve never seen somebody wear sweatpants in class. It’s a visual treat. Eye candy abounds. 


Jesuit Values / Religious, Spiritual Culture 

I used to despise the term “Jesuit ideals,” but it deserves to be included on this list. It’s essentially the university’s way of instructing you to be a nice human being, and few people would argue with that. While you will never be compelled to follow religion, the institution will ensure that those avenues remain available for you. My first week, I went to a Pujah, and the food was incredible. 


Politics I once asked a female to explain the Israeli/Palestinian dilemma to me and received a 2-hour lecture, at which time she got to World War I and I had to beg her to fast-forward. I’m not interested in politics—I’m planning on majoring in anything math/science-related—but I can’t be here and not learn something. It makes me feel like I’m getting ready for a dinner party…… or something.

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