Online Colleges

Computer Science Degree Online: Requirements and Universities

If you’re interested in advancing your career, earning a degree in computer science could be a great option. From programming to coding and networking, this field has so many possibilities. If you want to learn more about what you can do with a degree in computer science or how to earn one online, read on!


Why Earn a Degree in Computer Science?

In today’s world, computer science is a thriving career field. If you have a strong interest in technology, this might be the right educational path for you. A degree in computer science can help prepare you for an exciting and rewarding career in the field.

Computer Science degrees are typically offered as Bachelor of Science (BS) or Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS). The general curriculum includes courses like:

  • Introduction to Computer Science
  • Data Structures
  • Object-Oriented Programming with Java or C++
  • Algorithms
  • Artificial Intelligence

What Are the Benefits of Earning an Online Degree?

  • Flexible scheduling: Because you’ll be able to control when and where you take classes, earning an online degree can help you fit learning into your busy schedule.
  • You can study from anywhere: Whether you’re on the road or at home, enrolling in a program that’s available online allows learning opportunities no matter where your travels take you.
  • Save money on tuition costs and earn credits faster: One of the main benefits of earning an online degree is that it enables students to complete coursework quickly and get their degrees sooner than if they attended on campus.
  • Develop new skills: Earning an online degree gives students access to the same resources used by traditional brick-and-mortar institutions, such as libraries, student services offices and tutors/mentors who provide support along with instruction from experts in their fields of study—allowing them develop new skills along with building upon existing ones before graduating!
  • Increase flexibility in life choices after completing education requirements for career goals: In addition to being able to save money by taking fewer classes per semester (as well as paying less overall), one key advantage has been mentioned repeatedly throughout this article – which is having more flexibility over life choices after completing education requirements for career goals because now everything doesn’t have feel like so much pressure anymore!

Types of Computer Science Degrees

There are three types of Computer Science Degrees you can complete online:

  • Associate’s Degree in Computer Science
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science
  • Master’s Degree in Computer Science

How to Earn a Computer Science Degree Online

  • Choose a school with a good reputation
  • Make sure the school is accredited
  • Check out the school’s website to see if it is easy to navigate
  • Check out the school’s accreditation status
  • Check out their graduation rate
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How Long Does It Take to Earn a Computer Science Degree?

The amount of time required to earn a computer science degree depends on the type of degree you want to earn. For example, a bachelor’s degree in computer science will take four years if you are majoring in the field. If you are earning a master’s degree in computer science, it will take two years.

As you can see, the more advanced degrees require longer periods of time than their undergraduate counterparts. This is because they tend to be more comprehensive and require students to devote more attention and focus on their studies instead of taking part-time jobs while they complete their classes as many do during college years.

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What Can You Do With an Associate’s in Computer Science?

With an associate’s degree in computer science, you can get a job as a computer systems analyst, computer programmer, or computer systems designer.

There are also opportunities to work in:

  • Software development and testing
  • Software quality assurance (QA) and verification
  • Information processing and data management

What Can You Do With a Bachelor’s in Computer Science?

An online computer science degree can open up a world of possibilities for your career. As long as you enjoy learning and working with technology, you can find a job using your skills.

You may be surprised by how many fields are interested in hiring people with computer science degrees—and not just tech companies! You could work in the government sector doing cyber security research, or even apply your knowledge to solving problems in education.

In fact, there’s almost no limit to where you might find employment if you have this kind of degree under your belt (or cloud!).

What Can You Do With a Master’s in Computer Science?

A Master’s in Computer Science can help you to work as a software engineer, database administrator, systems analyst, or network administrator. You can also use a Master’s in Computer Science to pursue a doctoral degree.

What Can You Do With a Doctorate in Computer Science?

The degree is designed to prepare graduates to apply their knowledge in a variety of settings. As such, you’ll be able to work in academia or industry in a number of capacities, including:

  • Teaching computer science at the university level
  • Providing technical leadership in software development organizations
  • Working as an advanced researcher at research labs

If you want to advance your career and get ahead, consider going back to school to earn your degree in computer science.

If you want to advance your career and get ahead, consider going back to school to earn your degree in computer science. You can earn an online or campus-based bachelor’s degree from a top-tier school that will give you the skills and knowledge necessary for high-paying jobs.

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Here are some tips on how to get started:

  • Talk with friends and family about their experiences with earning degrees in computer science. Learn what they liked about the program and what they found difficult, so that you can get a good idea of whether or not earning your own degree is right for you.
  • Research schools where students love studying computer science courses, such as University of Washington at Tacoma (UWT) and Arizona State University (ASU). Look at the programs offered by each school, then talk with professors who teach there if possible; this will give you even more information about how well-received those programs are by their students’ peers!

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in computer science, then you may want to consider an online program. There are many universities that offer an online computer science degree, including DeVry University and LeTourneau University. You can also earn your degree from Franklin University or Ohio State University if you prefer those options.

DeVry University

DeVry University is a leading online university that offers a variety of degree programs. Students can earn an online computer science degree in several different formats, including:

  • Computer Science, which builds on the principles of mathematics and engineering to develop solutions for computing issues.
  • Computer Science and Business, which combines management business courses with computer science courses to help students learn how to apply technology and computational skills in real-world scenarios.
  • Computer Science and Engineering, which focuses on both theoretical concepts as well as practical applications of technology within all types of industries.[8]

There are also combined degrees available that include a mix between the aforementioned concentrations (such as [9]). DeVry University has received accreditation from both [10]

LeTourneau University

LeTourneau University is a private university in Longview, Texas. The university offers bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in business, engineering, education and science.

Over the past ten years LeTourneau has invested significant resources into expanding its online programs to include over 25+ fully-online degree programs including disciplines such as accounting, criminal justice and psychology.

Franklin University

Franklin University is a private university in Ohio. This school offers an online computer science degree that can be completed in as little as 18 months. The curriculum is designed to give students a solid foundation in software development, while also preparing them to take the CompTIA A+, Network+ and Project+ certifications upon graduation.

The Franklin University Computer Science program is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).

Ohio State University

  • Ohio State University

The Department of Computer Science at Ohio State offers an online Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS). It also offers a BS in computer science with a minor in mathematics and one or more additional minors. In addition, the department has several other degree options: an MS and PhD in computer science, as well as programs for high school students interested in STEM education.

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Nova Southeastern University

Nova Southeastern University offers an online computer science bachelor’s degree, a master’s in CS, and doctorate degrees in CS. Students can also earn certificates in data mining or computer security.

Nova Southeastern University (NSU) is a higher education institution based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It was founded as a private college back in 1964 and has since grown to become the 23rd largest university system in the United States. In addition to its main campus and other locations around the country (such as Miami), NSU has campuses abroad at Oxford and Kingston universities in England; Beijing Normal University; Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte; Universidad Nacional del Sur – Campus Puerto Madryn/Rio Gallegos/San Rafael; Universidad Nacional San Martin de Porres Lima Peru.; St Petersburg State Polytechnic University (SPbPU); Kyungpook National University Daegu Korea.; Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University School of Medicine Xian China.; Wenzhou Medical College Zhejiang Province Pudong New District 300240 People’s Republic of China.. It offers over 150 undergraduate majors and 300 graduate programs across its eight colleges: College of Business Administration & Public Policy; College of Communication Arts & Sciences; College of Criminology & Justice Studies ; College of Education ;College of Engineering , Computing & Technology ;Collegeing Arts & Sciences ;Collegeing Health Professions

The Computer Science Department at Nova Southeastern University offers both bachelor’s degrees (BS) as well as master’s degrees (MS). These programs allow students to gain valuable experience through hands-on learning opportunities where they will be expected to apply their knowledge while working on projects using industry standard tool sets such as Java or C#/.Net

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All of these schools have an online computer science degree.

If you’re looking for an online computer science degree, here are some of the best schools:

  • Georgia Tech offers a Master of Science in Computer Science at a cost of $2,260 per credit hour.
  • The University of Florida offers an online Master of Science in Computer Science that costs $3,000 per credit hour.
  • Cal Poly Pomona has an online Doctorate in Computer Engineering degree program that costs $4,500 per unit (or 3 units per semester).



If you’re looking to advance your career, consider earning an online computer science degree. The field is growing, and there are many jobs available for those who have an education in this area. If you want to get ahead of the curve and earn a degree in computer science before entering the workforce, take advantage of our free resources today!

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