Computer Science Salary: Universities and Careers


Computer Science Salary

 The average starting salary for a computer science major is $66,005 a year.

The average starting salary for a computer science major is $66,005 a year. This is higher than the average starting salary for all college graduates, which was $52,000 in 2018. It’s also worth noting that computer science majors can expect pay increases throughout their careers.

The 2018 Computer Science Salary Survey found that the early-career median compensation for graduates is higher than it’s ever been.

  • Early-career median compensation for graduates is higher than it’s ever been.
  • The average salary for graduates is higher than it was a year ago—and two years ago.

Graduates from the top 10 highest paying schools report earning $75,000-$111,000 a year only one year after graduating.

Graduates from the top 10 highest paying schools report earning $75,000-$111,000 a year only one year after graduating. These schools include: Stanford University, University of California, Berkeley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Texas A&M University among others.

A survey from Glassdoor found that the average computer scientist who works at Google earns roughly $135K a year not including bonuses and stock options.

One of the best places to work in the world is Google, and a large part of that is its ability to pay top salaries. It’s no wonder why so many people want to work for them. The average computer scientist who works for Google earns roughly $135K a year not including bonuses and stock options. That’s more than twice what an average tech worker makes, which is about $75K according to Glassdoor’s recent survey on tech salaries.

Top companies that offer great salaries for computer scientists include Google, Facebook, Amazon and more.

There are many companies that offer great salaries for computer scientists. These include Google, Facebook, Amazon and more. However, if you’re looking for a company that offers great salaries specifically for data visualization specialists, then Microsoft is the place to be.

Data visualization specialists can earn on average $100k annually.

Data visualization specialists, who typically specialize in visualizing and analyzing large data sets and complex information, earn on average $100k annually. Data visualization specialists are in high demand because companies want to make sense of big data. In addition to helping companies make better decisions, these professionals can also help organizations build a competitive edge by making their products stand out from the competition.

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Computer Science majors earn high salaries right out of college, with most of them employed by large corporations.

Computer science majors earn high salaries right out of college, with most of them employed by large corporations. The average starting salary for a computer science major is $66,005 a year, according to The 2018 Computer Science Salary Survey found that the early-career median compensation for graduates is higher than it’s ever been.

Universities offering Computer Science

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University is a public research university in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. It was known as Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College from 1872 until 1892 when it was renamed to its current title. Today, VPI&SU awards associate’s degrees through the Pamplin College of Business Administration; bachelor’s degrees through the College of Science and Humanities; master’s degrees through the School of Public and International Affairs; doctoral degrees through five graduate schools: Biotechnology Research Park (BRP), Graduate School, Engineering Research Center (ERC), Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute (IE2I), National Capital Region Medical Campus (NCRCM) Health Sciences Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (HCI&E)

Indiana University, Bloomington

Indiana University (IU) is a public research university located in Bloomington, Indiana, United States. It has more than 200 academic degree programs offered through eight academic colleges, including the flagship Kelley School of Business and School of Education. IU also has a highly ranked School of Public and Environmental Affairs that was recently named one of the best schools for environmental policy.

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign offers a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, as well as a Master of Science. The department has been ranked number one for several years by U.S. News & World Report, and has been ranked #1 for graduate programs since 2001.

There are many research labs and centers on campus, including Center for Advanced Study (CAS), National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), Center for Research In Extreme Scale Technologies (CREST), National Center for Supercomputing Applications Data Management Office (DMO). The university’s Information Trust Institute focuses specifically on cyber security, privacy protection, identity management and advanced analytics applications related to data analytics needs around cyber threats like phishing attacks or ransomware threats.

Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University is a private research university in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was founded in 1900 by Andrew Carnegie as the Carnegie Technical Schools. Today, it’s an engineering-focused university with a strong emphasis on computer science. The university is known for its strong undergraduate and graduate programs in computer science, computer engineering, information technology, data science, and business related areas.

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Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) is a public research university in Atlanta, Georgia. The school is ranked #7 on the US News & World Report’s National University Rankings for 2019, making it one of the top seven universities in the United States.

The Georgia Institute of Technology has been named one of America’s best colleges and universities by Forbes, U.S.News & World Report and Princeton Review for several years running—and with good reason. With over 20 research centers focused on artificial intelligence alone it’s no wonder that this institution has become so well-known for its computer science programs as well as overall excellence in STEM fields more generally. This year Georgia Tech ranked #1 in undergraduate engineering programs across North America and #2 overall among all institutions offering graduate degrees!

Purdue University–West Lafayette

Purdue University is a public research university located in West Lafayette, Indiana and is the flagship campus of the Purdue University system. The main campus consists of over 600 buildings spread across 7,000 acres (2,800 ha) near the western edge of Lafayette.

Purdue was founded on May 6, 1869 as a land-grant college under the Morrill Act by President Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Carnegie during the American Civil War on April 26th 1891 when Congress passed a law to accept this amount from John Purdue’s estate for use in establishing an Agricultural College for Central Indiana under its new name. It was named after John Purdue who donated $250 000 towards establishment of this university which has an endowment worth over $1 billion today making it one of America’s richest universities with its current total revenue equaling approximately $3 billion annually–making it one of world’s top 10 largest private colleges/universities by revenue or overall enrollment respectively.

Careers in Computer Science

Software Development

Software developers design and build software applications. They can work in a variety of industries, including healthcare, finance, education and government. They may also be responsible for testing the software they create or maintaining an existing system. Developers may work for large corporations or small startups.

Big Data and Data Science

If you’re interested in a career that involves working with data, you may want to consider a job as a data scientist. Data scientists are tasked with analyzing large amounts of information and determining ways to translate that information into useful insights. They look at the numbers, interpreting trends and patterns and making predictions based on their findings.

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They also use the data they collect to recommend new strategies for businesses or organizations, based on what their research has shown about past behavior patterns. For example, if an organization wants to improve its website by increasing engagement among visitors (for example), it might hire a few data scientists who would then analyze its current traffic patterns—where people are coming from and how long they stay on the site—and make recommendations based on those findings.


Gaming is an exciting career field and it’s easy to see why. From playing video games as a child, to working in the industry, gaming professionals get to do what they love and make money while doing it!

If you’re interested in becoming a gaming professional, there are many different areas you can explore. For example:

  • Game designer – designs new games for independent developers or companies like EA Games or Ubisoft.
  • Game programmer – writes code for existing games or creates new ones from scratch.
  • Game artist – creates illustrations and characters for use in the game world (think about those vibrant backgrounds you see when playing Candy Crush).

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Cyber Security

Cyber security is a growing field that requires a lot of technical knowledge, as well as soft skills and empathy. Cyber security professionals have to be able to understand human behavior in order to figure out how hackers think and act, so they can identify potential threats.

Cyber security professionals are also responsible for finding ways to protect systems from being hacked by using technology, such as firewalls or software that can detect malicious activity. They must then make sure that the products they create actually work properly, which requires them to learn about computers and programming languages like HTML, Java Scripts and C++ before putting their ideas into action.

Graphic Designer

As a graphic designer, you’ll use your computer skills to create images and layouts for all kinds of things. This could include logos, brochures, websites, advertisements, and more.

Graphic designers are in high demand because everyone needs that eye-catching image or layout to help sell their product or service. Graphic designers are also paid well—the starting salary for a graphic designer is around $35,000 per year!

Graphic designers work in a variety of industries including marketing, advertising and publishing.


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