
Top 70+ Hard Bible Trivia Questions and Answers


Hard Bible Trivia Questions and Answers

Who was the only lawgiver to whom the Lord appeared?

In the Old Testament, there is a reference to Moses as one of the greatest prophets to have lived. He led the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery and into the “promised land”. According to scripture (Exodus 33:11), it was also said that Moses was the only lawgiver whom God appeared unto face-to-face.

Moses is referred to as a lawgiver because he wrote down God’s laws and commandments for all people to live by, which are known today as The Ten Commandments. In addition to this, he was also faced with many other difficult tasks such as dealing with Pharaoh, teaching children about faith and salvation, serving others through miracles and blessings, among many other things that made him an all around great leader who brought his people closer together under divine guidance

What name did the husband of Ruth have which is mentioned in Matthew 1?

  • Question: What name did the husband of Ruth have which is mentioned in Matthew 1?

Answer: Elimelech. Elimelech was the husband of Naomi and he is mentioned in the genealogy of David, which appears in Matthew 1:5.

When Jacob was approaching Egypt, how many children did he have with him?

The correct answer is ’70 people’.

Jacob had 12 sons, two daughters and a host of children’s children. The small group of Israeli family members was in quite a situation when they met an Egyptian caravan on the way to Egypt. You can find the story in Genesis 46:5-7.

Which of Jacob’s sons did not have a child prior to taking the family into Egypt?

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How many of Joseph’s brothers went down to Egypt with their father and then returned to Canaan?

  • How many of Joseph’s brothers went down to Egypt with their father and then returned to Canaan?

10 of Joseph’s brothers went to Egypt. Judah decided to stay in Egypt and raise his family there. Jacob, however, was worried that the famine would continue so he sent all his sons back to Canaan except for Benjamin who stayed in Egypt with Joseph.

There are 31,102 verses in the KJV Bible. The New Testament is made up of 7,959 verses while the Old Testament is made up of 23,143 verses.

What food did the Israelites eat in Egypt that they had never tasted before?










Apple Pearson Peach Strawberry Raspberry and Blueberry

What was the name of Aaron’s brother who resisted Moses’ leadership?

Q: What was the name of Aaron’s brother who resisted Moses’ leadership?

A: The name of Aaron’s brother was Miriam. It was not Moses, and it was not Aaron, who were brothers with him. It also wasn’t Joshua, who succeeded Moses as leader.

Which of the tribes had no land assigned to them inside Canaan when it was distributed by lot?

  • The Levites were the only tribe that had no inheritance in Canaan when the land was distributed by lot. The tribe of Levi received 48 cities throughout Israel, and the Levites were given land around each city. In addition to their own cities and surrounding lands, the Levites also received a tithe from all of the other tribes (Numbers 18:20-24). They were also given charge over temple worship and service, which meant that they did not have time to farm as most people did at that time (Deuteronomy 10:8-9).
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How many years did it take for Joshua to conquer Canaan after crossing the Jordan River?

The duration of the conquest of the Promised Land was forty years. Joshua took over the leadership of Israel after Moses died and led them to cross the Jordan River into Canaan, but he did not immediately march on the city states and attack them.

Indeed, his first battle was with Jericho and that is why it is so famous because it was the first one. The rest were all gradual as he moved from one region to another.

They had to wait for that generation which refused to move forward before they could move in because God promised that generation would not enter His land. Israelites had to learn how to fight since they were a nation of slaves who never fought against anybody but now they have been commanded by God to go out and destroy whole nations who were fighting back even though they were wicked (Joshua 11:6). They also learned how much they need God’s help because at some points like Ai, when they attacked without waiting for God’s commandment, their enemies killed many of them (Joshua 7:5).

Finally, Israelites had a major problem when Moses died because now they have a new leader whom nobody knows about; therefore, many times people think Joshua will fail miserably like Moses did on certain occasions. Therefore, he needed that time for everybody to trust him enough so that he could lead them forward just like Moses did.

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How old was David when he became king over all Israel?

Q: How old was David when he became king over all Israel?

A: Controversial question for many. People have different opinions on this, but here are some facts. David was anointed as king when he was 15 years old (1 Samuel 16). That means he would have been 30 years old when he took over the entire Kingdom of Israel, which included the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. We know that King Saul had reigned for 40 years (Acts 13:21) and that David was king in Hebron for 7 years first before ruling over all Israel, so we can deduce that David ruled over all of Israel, including Jerusalem, for 33 more years until his death.

What was the name of Adam and Eve’s second son? Ans: Abel

  • What was the name of Adam and Eve’s second son?


  • What did Abel do for a living?
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  • Where is the first mention of Abel in the Bible?

Genesis 4:2-5; When Cain brought some produce as an offering to God, and Abel brought a lamb from his flock, God accepted Abel’s offering but rejected Cain’s, causing him to kill his brother out of jealousy.

How many commandments were there in the original 10 commandments? Ans: 10

`*Two questions*`:

  • How many commandments were there in the original 10 commandments?
  • Who wrote them down?

What prophet restored a dead child to life at Jericho? Ans: Elisha.

What prophet restored a dead child to life at Jericho?

Answer: Elisha. In First Kings, Elijah performs the miracle of restoring the life of a dead child. Later in Second Kings, when Elisha is alone with the body of a young man who has been accidentally killed by his friends, he tosses his own mantle on the boy and restores him to life.

Elijah’s successor was both his disciple and one of his most famous miracles: Elisha was Elijah’s disciple. When Elijah asked God to take his life, God answered him by taking him up into heaven by a whirlwind rather than killing him outright (2 Kings 2:1). Before he went up into heaven, he told Elisha that he would inherit “a double portion” of Elijah’s spirit (verse 9) and then took off with a chariot pulled by horses of fire! After this incident, Elisha continued to serve as Israel’s great prophet for many years.

Who does Paul say he is “the least of”? Ans: The apostles

You may be asking yourself, “Who is this guy, and why should we care?” Well, you should care because he is one of the apostles, meaning he had a personal revelation from God. Paul was a missionary to the Gentiles and traveled extensively during his ministry. In 1 Corinthians 15:8-10, he refers to himself as “the least of the apostles” (NIV). Some translations say “least of all” instead of just “least.” Paul says this not only because he was a persecutor of Christians, but also because he did not follow Jesus during his earthly ministry.

What is not required for salvation according to Romans 10? Ans: Baptism

  • Who created man?
  • Who was the first person to see Jesus rise from the dead?
  • In what book of the bible would you find this story of David and Goliath?
  • Peter denied Jesus how many times?
  • What is not required for salvation according to Romans 10? Ans: Baptism

What do we have to do, according to Galatians 6, so that we will reap what we sow? Ans: Sow in the Spirit

What do we have to do, according to Galatians 6, so that we will reap what we sow?

  1. Sow in the Spirit
  2. Sow to the flesh
  3. Heal ourselves

Answer: A. Sow in the Spirit (Galatians 6:7-8) To understand what it means to “sow in the Spirit” and how that relates to reaping a harvest, it is helpful to know some of the context of this verse. The apostle Paul uses agricultural terms here (sowing and reaping) because farming was one of most popular forms of work at that time. Farmers would plant seeds in their fields and water them every day with hopes they would grow into something they could use as food or sell for money. As you can imagine, if a farmer did not take good care of his plants or planted them in bad soil, he would not have much of a harvest—but if he used good seeds and planted them carefully, he could look forward to a fruitful crop. Using this analogy, Paul tells his readers that if they want to reap a good reward from God—fullness of life through faith in Christ—they should “sow” (or invest) their lives wisely by living for Him rather than for themselves! In other words, don’t waste your time trying to gain things for yourself here on earth because those things won’t last forever; instead, plant your life today by doing whatever God wants you to do so when He comes back again you will be rewarded richly!

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What did Peter say about Paul’s letters at 2 Peter 3? Ans: They are hard to understand

This is why it is better to use Bible Trivia Questions that are easy as well.

It does not do any good to test someone’s knowledge of the Bible with questions that are too difficult for them to answer.

I am sure you would like to help other people learn more about the Bible and how they can live their lives according to what is written in this book of knowledge.

According to Revelation 12 where did Michael and his angels fight with the dragon? Ans In heaven.

According to Revelation 12, where did Michael and his angels fight with the dragon?

In heaven.

The battle of good vs evil was fought in the heavenly realm. The dragon is Satan and he tried to devour the child Jesus but could not do it. The child is a symbol of Jesus and he was caught up to God in heaven. After that the dragon was cast down to earth and when you read this passage you will realize it happened in the spiritual realm too as we read that Satan can deceive people on earth.

According to Matthew 9 what did Jesus tell the paralytic after telling him his sins were forgiven? Ans – Take up your mat and walk. Take up your mat and walk.

In Matthew 9 Jesus told the paralytic his sins were forgiven and then told him to take up his mat and walk. It is possible that the reason Jesus preceded the physical healing with the promise of the forgiveness of sins was because the man’s physical condition was due to his sins.


Bible Trivia questions can be fun, educational and challenging.

  • Bible trivia questions can be fun and educational, challenging both the child and adult alike.
  • These questions offer a great opportunity to test your knowledge of the bible.
  • As you learn new things, you can challenge your family members or friends with these facts.

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