InternshipOpportunitiesStudy Abroad

Software Developer Internship (Comprehensive List)

Software developer internships are the ideal way for a student to get their foot in the door of one of these companies. If you’re looking for an internship opportunity, here’s a list that will help you find one:


List Of Software Developer Internship

Here’s the list of some of the companies that offer software developer internship:


Apple is a great place to work at because of their culture. Apple has been known for creating some of the most beautiful devices in the world, but they also have an amazing team of developers and designers who are responsible for these incredible products. Apple is a great place to work at because of their benefits.

If you work at Apple, you get a lot more than just salary from your employer: you get stock options that can be sold on a secondary market (the iPhone XS Max costs about $1,000), as well as health care coverage that includes organ transplants and fertility treatments (if you want). They even offer free tuition reimbursement so that you can continue learning more about programming languages or even take classes outside of your field if needed!

Apple offers so much more than just money though – they also give out free apple products like computers/phones/magnets/etc., discounts on other tech related items like TVs etc., access to private events where influential people come together.

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Google is another company that offers software developer internships. The company’s website lists the following opportunities:

  • Software Developer Intern – New York, NY
  • Software Engineer Internship – New York, NY
  • Software Engineering Internship – Austin, TX (available to students graduating from a college in the US)


Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Redmond, Washington. It develops, manufactures and sells computer software, consumer electronics and personal computers. Microsoft is the world’s largest software maker by revenue and one of the world’s most valuable companies. The company employs over 92,000 people worldwide.

Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen on April 4, 1975, to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for Altair 8800 computers; they officially established Microsoft on April 4th 1976. Allen came up with the original name of “Micro-Soft” because it sounded like a synonym for small. It took them only three months after incorporation to change their name to “Microsoft” which they said was derived from a combination of microcomputer and software.

The company expanded rapidly through the 80s with its MS-DOS operating system and numerous licensed products such as Encarta encyclopedia (1989)and Microsoft Windows 3.0(1990) In 1986 Microsoft launched its first mouse-driven GUI operating system called Windows 1.0. This product eventually sold millions of copies at $100 each retailing at around half price as a discount dealer item (the same strategy used by Apple Inc today).

Windows 2.x became very popular but was not particularly innovative so when Apple introduced its new Mac OS X operating system which featured what we now know as multi-touch gestures like pinch zoom etc., many users switched from windows back to Mac OS X despite its high cost; however unlike Apple who charge hundreds per year just for keeping their OS updated every 12 months via subscription service called “macOS app store”, Microsoft instead chose not


Dropbox is a cloud-based storage and file-synchronization service, aimed at making it easier for users to share and access files, regardless of their device. It is a freemium product, which means that basic services are free of charge while advanced features are offered on a subscription basis.

The company allows users to create special folders on their computers (referred to as “Dropboxes”), so they can easily store and share files online. There are also mobile apps available for iOS, Android and Windows Phone devices — as well as desktops like Mac OS X — so you’ll be able to access your content from anywhere you want.


Facebook is a great opportunity for software developers looking for internships. The company has several opportunities for interns and has been known to offer them positions after graduation as well. If you’re interested in working at Facebook, check out their careers website and apply today!

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Amazon is a global technology company that’s one of the largest Internet retailers in the world. With more than 400 million customers, Amazon is an American electronic commerce and cloud computing company that was founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos. It’s also one of the most valuable companies in the world.

Amazon employs more than half a million people across its global operations, with offices in over 20 countries including China and India where it offers a variety of products and services including retail sales through its product categories including books, electronics (such as Kindle e-readers), apparel (including men’s shoes or women’s clothing), toys & games for children as well as small businesses advertising job openings through their website which connects them with potential employees around the world.

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Uber is a technology company that has developed the most popular transportation app worldwide. Uber is an American multinational on-demand transportation network based in San Francisco, California and operates in 785 metropolitan areas worldwide. The service works with drivers to provide on-demand rides, food delivery, and other services.

Uber was founded as “UberCab” by Garrett Camp, a software engineer, and Travis Kalanick in 2009 to help people hail taxis using their smartphones. It later evolved into a transportation network company (TNC) operating in 700 cities worldwide.

In 2017, it started offering bicycle-sharing systems known as e-bikes through its subsidiary Jump Bikes. In 2018, Uber acquired Jump’s electric bike business while retaining the rest of the business. Uber also offers limited food delivery through its subsidiary UberEATS. In 2019 Chicago became one of the first U.S cities where all three of these services were available under one brand: “Uber.”


  • Twitter is a social media platform.
  • Twitter allows users to share and discover content that’s happening right now.
  • It’s a public forum where people can engage in conversations about the news, events, or just about anything else.
  • Twitter is also a way to connect with others by posting updates about your life and interests, following real-time events around the world (like the Olympics), or joining conversations taking place around hashtags that interest you.
  • And finally, it’s an opportunity for users—both individuals and organizations—to get their voice heard by sharing thoughts on issues they care about.


Divvy is a bike sharing system in Chicago, owned and operated by Motivate. The Divvy app allows users to check their account balance, locate bikes using GPS and find nearby stations with available bikes.

Users can purchase passes on their phone, which unlocks the ability to rent a bike for up to 60 minutes at one time. At the end of your ride you must lock your bike back into place before exiting—you can’t simply throw it onto the ground or leave it unlocked somewhere as you would with other options like Citi Bike or Capital Bikeshare (Washington DC).


Videology is a software company that provides a video advertising platform. The company also provides a video ad server, a video player and analytics tool. The company has offices in New York City, Chicago and San Francisco.


  • Eventbrite is a ticketing service. It’s used by event organizers to sell tickets for events, and it’s used by attendees to purchase tickets for those events.
  • Eventbrite provides a number of tools that make it easy to organize and run an event, including ticket sales, marketing tools, website building tools and more.
  • It’s one of the most popular online services on which developers can find work-at-home jobs as software engineer interns.

At this point you might be wondering: Why would anyone want to work as an intern at Eventbrite? Why not just start their own company or get some experience at another tech company? Well, there are several reasons why you might consider applying for an internship with this well-known startup.

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There are many options when applying for an internship.

There are many options when applying for an internship. The options are not limited to the companies listed, nor are they limited to software developer internships. The same goes for location, industry and so on. You should be open to exploring new opportunities and see where they take you!

Are Internships Paid?

Some internships are, some aren’t.

  • Some internships are paid.
  • Some internships are not paid.

If you want to make sure that your internship is a paid one, ask the employer/employee explicitly before you commit to the job.

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Interns may be paid in several different ways

There are several ways that employers can pay interns. Employers may pay interns a stipend, a salary, or some combination of the two. The amount of pay an employer decides to offer an intern can be negotiated by the employer and/or set by the employer. Pay may be hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly and paid in cash or check at regular intervals throughout the internship period.

If you are considering accepting an unpaid internship because you want to gain experience for future jobs in your field of study but don’t have enough money for food and housing expenses during your residency at this particular company or institution (especially if you’re coming from out-of-state), then you should also keep in mind that many companies will not reimburse their interns for travel costs or any other expenses incurred during their stay there (though some do).

There are many questions to consider when deciding whether or not to take an unpaid internship.

Before you consider taking an unpaid internship, it’s important to ask yourself some questions. First, how much can I learn from this experience and what will it look like on my resume? Second, how much networking can I do with people who are already working at the company? Third, how much can I afford to spend on living expenses while interning for free? Finally, how much time can I devote to my internship if it isn’t paying me anything?

Unpaid internships are not for everyone

  • Unpaid internships are not for everyone. If you’re an undergraduate student, it can be difficult to afford the time and transportation costs associated with working during your school year. If you’re a recent graduate, unpaid internships may not help you gain any additional skills or experience that employers will care about—especially since many of them don’t include any training or mentorship from experienced professionals.
  • Internships are a great way to gain experience and skills in your chosen field. Whether it’s through observation, shadowing coworkers or leading projects on your own (with guidance), interns often have access to invaluable insights into what goes on at their companies beyond just their immediate duties as an employee would have access too; this gives them an advantage when applying for competitive jobs later on down the road because they’ll already be familiar with their prospective employer’s culture and processes from working alongside some of its employees beforehand!

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How To Prepare For an Internship?

Research the company

The first step to preparing for an internship is learning about the company you’re considering. It’s important to understand how the business operates and its history, products and services, customers, competitors and financial results. You should also become familiar with its management team.

Practice your interview skills

  • Practice your answers. Prepare for the interview by practicing your responses to common interview questions.
  • Practice your non-verbal communication. Practicing how you communicate nonverbally is just as important as practicing what you say verbally.
  • Practice your body language and posture, especially if they’re not second nature to you already!
  • Practice eye contact, which is a key factor in communicating effectively during an interview or presentation. Make sure that you’re maintaining consistent eye contact with whomever it is that’s speaking at all times—it’s easy to get distracted when someone in the room has more experience than you do (or even if there are people who are simply more knowledgeable than you), but remember that keeping good eye contact is essential for conveying confidence and professionalism on any level of interaction with another person (whether in an interview situation or otherwise).

Make a list of questions that you would like to ask your interviewer

When asked, “What questions do you have for us?” by the interviewer, don’t be afraid to ask away! It’s important to ask questions that are relevant to the job and will help you decide whether or not you want it.

For example, if an internship is in marketing and your degree is in communications, then a good question would be: “How does this position help me grow as a communications professional?” But don’t just stop there! It’s also important for you (and them) to gauge if this would be a good fit for both parties involved—you must feel like an asset on their team; they must feel like you’re going to contribute value. In addition to asking these questions below:

  • “What do interns at this company typically do?”
  • “What type of hours are expected?”
  • “Can I expect any time off during my internship? If so, how much?”
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Prepare a portfolio of your work

A portfolio is a compilation of your work. But not just any kind of work—you want to make sure that what you choose to include in your portfolio represents the best of your abilities, experience and skills.

A good portfolio will showcase:

  • Your best projects, presentations and reports. Be careful here—it’s easy to get carried away with this one! Only include items that are relevant and show off both your technical skills and writing ability (if applicable).
  • A variety of media types. You may have mastered PowerPoint presentations, but it doesn’t mean you should only include them in your portfolio or even put them first in the presentation order (but they should be included). You should also consider including audio recordings if there were any interviews conducted or video footage taken during an event (assuming permission was granted by all parties involved).

Dress appropriately and professionally

When you’re going to an interview, it’s important that you dress for success. You want the interviewer to remember you as someone who shows up looking polished, professional and ready for work. Dressing inappropriately can have a negative impact on your chances of getting hired. Here are some tips on how to dress for your interview:

  • Dress for the job you want, not the job you have: When preparing for an interview, think about what kind of position you’re applying for and how employers see their employees in those positions. If they wear tailored suits every day then that’s what they expect when hiring new people; so make sure yours fits right!
  • Dress according to the weather: When starting a new job there may be days where inclement weather will keep employees inside versus being able to go outside with little clothing protection needed (think springtime). On these occasions make sure men have ties/bowties or women wear dresses/skirts rather than pantsuits because it would be uncomfortable otherwise due to sweating profusely while wearing heavier materials such as wool material instead of cotton dress shirts/blouses which dry faster when wet.* Consider cultural differences between countries before traveling abroad without knowing any local language knowledge whatsoever.* Before traveling abroad ask yourself “What am I supposed wear?” Then answer this question by researching articles written by local journalists who write about fashion trends within their own communities today–not 20 years ago!

Follow up with an email after the interview.

The interview is over and now you have a few minutes to yourself. Take advantage of this time and jot down a few notes about the meeting, including any questions or concerns that came up during your talk. If possible, take notes on what was said but also how things were said—was there an awkward silence? Did they seem rushed or tired? What was the interviewer’s body language like?

After you’ve made some notes about the interview, send an email thanking them for their time and asking if there are any other details about the position that haven’t been mentioned in person (e.g., salary range).

Also ask if it would be okay to follow up with additional questions if necessary before making a decision on whether or not to accept an offer from them. It’s always better to err on asking too many than too little! This can also be used as an opportunity to demonstrate how excited you are at possibly working with them: “I’m looking forward to hearing more!”

Internships are easier to prepare for if you know what’s expected beforehand.

It’s important to prepare for an internship, so you can be successful. This means researching the company, practicing interview skills and making a list of questions you would like to ask your interviewer. It also means creating a portfolio of your work and making sure it’s ready in advance.


We hope this article has helped you to prepare for a successful internship. If you follow these tips, we are sure that you will do well in your interview and enjoy the experience of working at your chosen company.

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