EuropeStudy Abroad

List of Universities in Denmark and how to Apply

Denmark is a Scandinavian country with various islands, including the Jutland Peninsula. Copenhagen is the country’s capital. The country occupies a unique position among the world’s most socially and economically developed nations. 

Denmark is the place to go if you want to study at a university that is never more than 50 kilometers from the sea and is surrounded by beautiful woodland and lakes. 

Denmark, in addition to its natural beauty, has several historic cities, like Copenhagen, Aarhus, and Esbjerg, making it an ideal student destination. 

Let’s speak about the admissions process and fees before we get into the list of universities in Denmark

The educational system is divided into six levels: 

  • Kindergarten (for children aged 1 to 5) is a program for children aged 1 to 5 years old. 
  • Pre-Kindergarten (is for kids of 6-7years) 
  • Primary and lower secondary education (classes 1 to 9 for children aged 7 to 15 years) 
  • The 10th grade is for 16-year-olds. 
  • Grades 10-12 make up upper secondary education for students aged 16 to 19. 

Last but not least, higher education is a broad field for a teenager of 19 years or older. 

If you’re interested in learning more about higher education opportunities in Denmark, remember that all Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees are completely free for residents of the EEA/EU and Switzerland. If you currently have a temporary or permanent residence permit, however, you will be able to study in Denmark for free. 

Institutions of architecture and art, business academics, maritime educational institutions, university colleges, and universities are the five types of higher education institutes in Denmark.

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The prerequisites for admission 

You should have settled on your university and course by now. Before you apply, double-check that your credentials are accepted by the university of your choice. 

Your qualifications must be equivalent to a Danish upper secondary school leaving certificate in order to be admitted to a Danish university. An appropriate vocational certification may, however, be adequate for many undergraduate programs. 

This webpage, sponsored by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science, can help you figure out what your secondary qualifications are worth in the Danish system. The website Study in Denmark also has some useful information on admissions requirements. 

Additional entrance requirements may be required for some courses. Certain subjects with a specific grade, a passing admissions test or interview, or a certificate with a minimum GPA are examples of these requirements. On the university’s website, look up the individual course prerequisites. 

If you don’t satisfy the prerequisites, you might be able to take a supplementary course that will allow you to apply. This course, on the other hand, will not improve your GPA. 

Language Skills

Language exams in English 

Many non-Danish students apply to English-taught programs. To enroll in an English course, you must show proof of English skill equivalent to a Danish level B. On their websites, universities frequently mention the precise scores they want.

Language testing in Denmark 

If you want to pursue a Danish course, you’ll need to pass a Danish language test to demonstrate your ability. You can choose between the ‘Danish as a Foreign Language’ (‘Studieprven I dansk som andetsprog’) and the ‘Danish Test 2′ (‘Danskprve 2′) exams. Some apps may ask you to pass the ‘Danish Test 3′ (‘Danskprve 3′). 

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If you studied Danish, Norwegian, or Swedish as part of your entry requirements, you will not be required to pass a Danish test if you are a student from one of the Nordic nations. 

Funding and Fees 

Higher education in Denmark is free for students from the EU/EEA and Switzerland, for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. 

You will be forced to pay tuition fees in Danish universities if you are from outside the EU/EAA. These costs range from $8,000 to $21,000 per year on average. 


By the 15th of March, 12 noon, applications to study in Denmark must be submitted through the national admissions site (CET). 

You’ll use this page to apply to universities and attach any documentation that the university requires. 


To apply, you’ll need a signature and proof of your identity for each course you’re interested in. 

If you are a Danish citizen or have a residency permit, you will use the electronic signature NemID, a digital identity instrument that was previously granted to you.

If you’re an international student, you’ll need to print, sign, and deliver a signature sheet from to the universities you’re applying to. An application ID will appear on the page, which institutions will use to download your application. 

Additional docs 

In the ‘attachments’ part of the application, you must attach your upper secondary education diploma. A personal essay may also be required, but this depends on the course and the school. 

Putting in applications for courses and getting responses 

You can apply to as many as eight different programs. You must list these in order of importance, and each application must be accompanied by a signature. You have until July 5 to adjust the universities’ priority. 

You will receive a single response on July 28. This will be written in a letter format. If you receive an acceptance letter, it might not be from your first pick if they don’t have a spot open. It could be from your second or even third choice. If you get a rejection letter, it implies you’ve been turned down by all of your options. By early August, you must answer this letter. 

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Purchase health insurance. 

After you’ve accepted your university offer, it’s time to focus on the tedious (but crucial) aspects of studying abroad preparation. 

If you are a European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) citizen or a Swiss national visiting Denmark for less than three months, you can use your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to obtain medically essential healthcare. 

If you plan to stay in Denmark for more than three months and are from the EU/EEA or Switzerland, you must register with the Civil Registration System. You’ll need an S1 Portable Document or a valid EHIC card from your statutory health insurance to do this. 

International students must acquire travel insurance for the duration of their studies in Denmark. Under the Danish Health Act, all non-residents traveling in Denmark are entitled to free emergency hospital care in the event of an accident, delivery, acute illness, or abrupt exacerbation of chronic condition.

Apply for a Visa 

You won’t need any papers to live, work, or study in Denmark if you’re a citizen of Norway, Sweden, or Finland. Your Danish personal identification number is all you’ll need. 

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You can study, work, and live in Denmark for up to three months without documents if you are from the EU/EEA or Switzerland. Following that, you must obtain a Danish registration certificate. To receive this, go to the Regional State Administration with your passport, two passport-sized pictures, and a letter of acceptance from your university (Statsforvaltningen). After that, you’ll be given a personal identification number. 

If you’ll be studying in Denmark for more than three months and are not from the EU/EEA or Switzerland, you’ll need to apply for a residence permit. You’ll require a tourist visa if you’re staying for less than three months. 

To obtain a residence permit, you will need the following documents: 

  • A letter of acceptance from your university 
  • Language proficiency proof 
  • Proof that you have enough money to support yourself (often approximately €1,000 per month [around $1,080]) 
  • You must be able to show proof that you have obtained travel insurance. 
  • A valid passport is required. 
  • Photo for a passport


After you’ve received your visa, you’ll need to find a place to stay. Off-campus student halls of residence, which typically cost around €240-460 per month (approximately US$280-496), are home to the majority of Danish students. More information on this can be found on your university’s website. 

You can also opt to live in a private residence. This is usually more expensive, though it varies depending on the size, location, and amount of individuals sharing the space. A one-bedroom apartment in Copenhagen’s city center costs on average €1,333 (about $1,444). 

List of Top Universities. 

Copenhagen University 

The University of Copenhagen receives a perfect score on the faculty-student ratio metric, and its researchers have won nine Nobel Prizes. 

The University of Copenhagen, founded in 1479 by King Christian I, offers research-based teaching to prepare its 39,000 students for life after graduation. The university also has one of the world’s greenest campuses and strives to have the smallest possible environmental and climate impact. 

Denmark’s Technical University 

Most of the metrics show that the university is doing well, particularly the student-faculty ratio (which is ranked 25th in the world) and international professors (62nd). This indicates the university’s capacity to recruit and retain top professors. 

The Technological University of Denmark strives to grow and produce value through natural sciences and technical science, and is currently ranked 45th in the world for its Environmental Science course. 

Aarhus University is a university in Aarhus, Denmark. 

This year, the institution receives a high score in the international faculty indicator, with international students accounting for roughly 12% of the university’s 40,000 students, representing over 120 countries. 

Aarhus University focuses on research-based learning, and its research output is internationally recognized.

Aalborg University is a university in Aalborg, Denmark. 

Aalborg University is in fourth place, having climbed 19 places in the international university rankings this year to equal 305th. The international faculty indicator is one of the university’s top scores this year, and international students make about 15% of the student body. 

Aalborg University has campuses in various Danish cities, including Aalborg, Esbjerg, and Copenhagen, despite its main campus being in Aalborg. The institution provides students with a hands-on learning experience that is backed up by world-class research. 

The University of Southern Denmark is located in southern Denmark. 

The University of Southern Denmark is ranked fifth in Denmark and equal 353rd in the world this year, after advancing four places in the international rankings. With one out of every five of its students coming from outside of Denmark, the university has the highest score in the international students indicator. 

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The University of Southern Denmark encourages students to think critically and to build transferable abilities that may be used to a variety of fields. Odense, Slagelse, Kolding, Esbjerg, Snderborg, and Copenhagen are among the cities where the university has campuses.


In Denmark, how many universities are there? 

Denmark has eight universities. Every university is a public institution. There are also many higher education institutes in Denmark, such as University Colleges in Denmark, Architecture and Art Institutions, Business Institutions, and Maritime Educational Institutions. 

Is it possible for international students to attend university in Denmark for free? 

Enrollment in higher education in Denmark is free for students from Switzerland and the EU/EEA. In contrast, if you are part of an exchange program, you can study in Denmark for free. 

Is it true that you are paid to study in Denmark? 

Yes, in a manner. EU/EAAA students are eligible for a study award known as SU. This is a monthly stipend that students might get as financial assistance during their education. 

In Denmark, what type of culture shock should you expect? 

There are various characteristics that distinguish Danes from other nations. Here are a few examples of what I’m talking about. 

  • Trustworthy culture 

People in Denmark have a high level of trust in one another and in the system. It’s not uncommon to see pets or strollers with babies left alone outside the grocery. Many times, you can leave your belongings unattended only to discover afterwards that no one has touched them. 

  • Cycling is a popular sport. 

Bicycles, bike lanes, and bike parking spaces may be found practically everywhere in Denmark, thanks to the country’s well-developed cycling culture. People pedal for a variety of reasons (wellness, convenience, cost savings over buses, etc.) and in all weather conditions (and as I mentioned, weather here sucks most of the time). 

Cycling can save you a lot of money that would otherwise be spent on public transit, depending on where you live and study in Denmark. Because purchasing a new bike might be costly, the majority of students opt to purchase a used bike. There are plenty of bike options, fortunately!

Is it tough to find a job as a student? 

You should not expect to find a part-time work the moment you arrive in Denmark, no matter how hard you try. During the start of the academic year, student cities are inundated with new students and internationals, the majority of whom are looking for jobs. 

And, don’t worry, you can get a job in Denmark even if you don’t know Danish. 

Networking is the key to finding work as quickly as possible. Yes, you are new and don’t know anyone…well, get out there and meet people, go to events, and why not mix with the international students who have already been to Denmark for a while. Inquire of your classmates or other acquaintances whether they know of anyone (or knows of someone) who requires extra assistance in their workplace. When it comes to part-time jobs for students, the majority of us have been recruited as a result of referrals from friends.

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