Is Stanford Ivy League?


No. Stanford is not Ivy League.

  • You’re not alone. Stanford is one of the premiere universities in the country, consistently making top-10 lists and producing some of today’s most important leaders. But it is not Ivy League.
  • Stanford has participated in the Pac-12 Conference since 1968 and won more NCAA championships than any other school in America, with 109 titles as of January 2019. Additionally, Stanford produces notable alumni like John Hennessy, who was president from 2000 to 2016, Tiger Woods and Phil Knight (the co-founder of Nike).

But when people refer to “Ivy League schools” they really mean the “Ivy League and Stanford.” Because these are the top-ranked universities in the United States of America.

When people refer to “Ivy League schools” they really mean the “Ivy League and Stanford.” Because these are the top-ranked universities in the United States of America.

So, while you may be surprised to hear this, Stanford is actually an Ivy League school—it just isn’t a member of that athletic conference. For example, Stanford is ranked #1 in the US by US News. Only Princeton and Harvard are close, at #2 and #3 respectively. And, like all members of the Ivy League except Cornell, Stanford is a member of the Association of American Universities (AAU), which is an association of research universities devoted to maintaining a strong system of academic research and education in the United States.

In addition to being considered one of the Public Ivies (Public Ivy is a term coined by Richard Moll in his book Public Ivies: A Guide to America’s Best Public Undergraduate Colleges and Universities to refer to colleges or universities who provide an Ivy League collegiate experience at a public school price), Stanford has often been called The Harvard/Yale of The West Coast because it has been so historically influential on other colleges within its region.

If you’re looking for an elite school, the Ivies and Stanford are your best bets!

If you’re looking for an elite school, the Ivy League and Stanford are your best bets.

Stanford’s not part of the Ivy League because it’s a university, while the Ivies (Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton and Yale) are all colleges that only offer undergraduate degrees. So if you want to go to grad school with an Ivy League degree on your resume after you graduate college – which could help you stand out when applying for jobs – then the Ivies might be for you!

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Why do people think stanford is an ivy league

People think stanford is an ivy league because it is the most prestigious school in the country and people associate ivy league with prestige.

Why do people think Stanford is an Ivy League? Well, prestige is a key factor in the admissions processes of Ivy League universities. And since Stanford is considered the most prestigious school in the country (even more so than some Ivies), people associate it with being an Ivy League. For this reason, many people mistakenly say that they are attending Stanford University as if it were an Ivy League.

Stanford has a similar model to the ivies and ranks just below them for student prestige.

Stanford University is an elite private research university located in California, one of the most prestigious locations for a university in the world. Stanford has a reputation for being highly selective and accepting about 15% of applicants, which puts it among the most selective colleges in America.

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However, Stanford isn’t an Ivy League school because it’s not located on the East Coast. The Ivy League is composed of colleges whose roots take them back to colonial days, when they were all religious schools. These days, they’re secular but still retain some similarities, such as a focus on undergraduate education and strong sports programs (in addition to being quite good at basketball).

What really sets Stanford apart from other major universities (including those in the Ivy League) is its 4 year curriculum, unlike some other major universities which offer 3 year programs or even 2 year associate degrees. This means that there are no “junior” students at Stanford or any other ivy league school – only seniors and freshmen!

They have a great reputation for research, teaching and training.

Stanford has a great reputation for research, teaching and training. They are known for their great professors and students. They are one of the top 10 universities in the world. They have a great campus with beautiful buildings. They have a great sports program.

There are some other reasons why Stanford is considered to be an Ivy League school: 1) It’s located in California, 2) It’s not part of the Ivy League (like Columbia, Cornell, etc.), 3) There are no undergraduate admissions requirements (other than being admitted into their graduate programs).

It is not an ivy league.

In order to understand why Stanford is not an Ivy League school, we must first have a firm grasp on what the term “Ivy League” truly means. According to the official definition of the Ivy League, it is an association of eight universities in the northeastern United States that are known for their academic excellence and high selectivity.

The schools that are members of this group are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, Yale University and the University of Pennsylvania. As you can see from this list alone (and as any Stanford student will gladly point out), Stanford is not one of these schools. It is also worth noting that Stanford is located in California and not a part of the Northeastern United States. And to top it all off, Stanford was founded over 100 years after the formation of the Ivy League!

The original ivy league was a sports conference that came to stand for the elite of the elite in education, but stanford doesn’t qualify.

  • The Original Ivy League was a college football conference formed in 1954. The eight schools in the league were Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth, Cornell and Penn.
  • Stanford is not a member of the Ivy League
  • Stanford does not have an Ivy League football team.

Stanford is prestigious but it’s not in the same league as Harvard, Princeton, Yale, etc.

Why does it even matter whether or not Stanford is an Ivy League? Well, for starters, there’s a lot of prestige that comes with the label “Ivy League”. If you go to one of the eight schools that make up the Ivy League, people automatically assume you’re rich, intelligent and from a certain class. The same thing goes for schools like Stanford (the most prestigious university in the country), MIT (the best engineering school in the world) and Cal Tech (the best science school in the country). People associate these elite institutions with wealth and power so they lump them together with Ivy Leagues. But this doesn’t mean Stanford or MIT are Ivies — they just have similar reputations for being exclusive.

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Stanford is still a very prestigious school – it just isn’t an Ivy. It’s important to know that Stanford falls into its own category as “one of America’s selective private research universities.”

How to apply to Stanford

Familiarize yourself with the Core Requirements

To be eligible for admission to Stanford University, you must have a high school degree or equivalent.

You should complete certain core courses in high school (listed on the admissions website) and have a certain GPA, and you must take the ACT or SAT. You will also need to submit your official AP scores if you’ve taken any of the AP courses listed in your Student Profile within MyStanfordConnection.

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Think about the major you want to declare

You can think about your major as early as freshman year, and you do not have to declare one until the end of sophomore year. In fact, over half of each class arrives at Stanford undeclared. Some students enter with a strong sense of what they want to pursue—a few even apply directly to the major of their choice. Others arrive undeclared and are unsure about what they want to study. Both approaches are equally valid and sensible for individual students who fit them well.

As you consider your possible majors, remember that this decision is about personal fit, not about name value or prestige for the sake of prestige. Do not feel obliged to choose a particular major simply because it is considered more prestigious than others, nor should you select a less popular major simply because it is less crowded or competitive than other options. Instead, focus on selecting a field of study that will make studying fun and rewarding for you personally. No matter which subject area you eventually select, working hard will be essential if you hope to excel in your coursework and become an expert in the field!

Look at the courses that fulfill the Reading and Composition Requirement (R&C)

There are three ways to fulfill the R&C requirement:

  • A. Take a series of courses in which you learn how to read and write as part of an intellectual process. This includes courses that develop your critical skills by analyzing texts closely, writing extensively, and communicating with others about ideas. These courses appear in the Stanford Bulletin under the Area Requirements for Arts and Literature (Reading and Composition), History (Historical Studies), Human Biology (Critical Analysis), International Relations (Reasoning, Argumentation, Writing), Philosophy (Philosophical Thinking), or Science, Technology & Society (Writing). In most cases, these courses have “R&C” listed next to their title on Explore Courses.
  • B. Take a course offered by The Program in Writing and Rhetoric (PWR) that fulfills the R&C requirement. All PWR 1-3 level classes all fulfill the R&C requirement; some PWR 4-level seminars also fulfill this requirement. To see which PWR classes fulfill this requirement check out Explore Courses or contact The Program in Writing and Rhetoric at
  • C. Use a foreign language to satisfy both parts of the Language Requirement AND part of the R&C Requirement. Click here for more information on using your foreign language to satisfy multiple requirements through Composition Examination Credit

Browse through a sample R&C course syllabus

  • Browse through a sample R&C course syllabus.
  • Note the reading and writing assignments associated with each course. See if the readings and assignments are of interest to you.
  • Take note of the types of activities, projects, and assessments (e.g., papers, presentations, group work) in each class. How do they align with your interests and strengths?
  • Pay attention to any information about student-teacher ratio in your courses. Are these courses limited to smaller groups where there is more contact between student and teacher? Or are these larger lecture-style classes? What type of learning environment do you feel most comfortable in? We recommend that you take at least some small classes during your first year here at Stanford in order to get to know faculty members better, who can help guide you both academically as well as outside of the classroom.
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Consider applying for a VPGE Program

Stanford offers several programs that provide additional support to students and/or special academic opportunities. These programs, called VPGE Programs, include: John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships (JSJF), the Distinguished Careers Institute (DCI), Law Fellows Program (LFP), Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program (KHS).

The benefits of participating in these programs vary by program but many programs offer community building activities and funding for research or other projects. They also can help you develop professional skills and gain more experience in your field. Some VPGE Programs also provide access to a private online community to connect with faculty, alumni and current fellows like yourself.

If you have any questions about the benefits of participating in a VPGE Program, please contact the program director at for more information about JSJF; for DCI; for LFP; for KHS; or we recommend reaching out to other similar fellowship programs directly if they are not listed above..

Explore classes with these quick videos on Canvas

Canvas is a collection of short video tutorials developed by SoLi. They cover various aspects of Stanford Online and allow a quick overview of some of the features as well as detailed information about certain topics.

These videos are less than three minutes long and are offered for free to the public. The list below provides an overview of all available videos, and you can click on the links to watch them directly.

Read the Student Affairs’ Guide to Residential Life at Stanford (GRAD)

Another important resource for undergraduate students is the Student Affairs’ Guide to Residential Life at Stanford (GRAD). This document has a lot of information about the expectations for living in residential communities at Stanford. You should read it before you apply if possible, but definitely before you arrive on campus. In addition to explaining the residential education model and expectations for behavior, it provides details about some of the other resources available to undergraduate students.

The most recent version of the GRAD was published in August 2018 and is available[here](

Check out student-run organizations, clubs and activities

Student-run organizations, clubs and activities are a huge part of the community at Stanford. You can get involved through RSOs (Recognized Student Organizations), which may focus on everything from fine arts to roller coasters. To see the full list of RSOs, you can check out the Student Activities and Leadership Office website. Other students get involved by joining groups like writing at The Stanford Daily or producing music through student-run radio station KZSU Stanford 90.1 FM. There are also a variety of cultural groups that provide support and events for students who want to connect with peers who share similar backgrounds or interests. If you’re interested in some examples of what’s available, you can check out this list by the Asian American Activities Center

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