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GRE Exams Syllabus and how to prepare

GRE Exams Syllabus



It’s crucial to comprehend the test’s structure before diving into the GRE exam syllabus. The GRE exam is available in both online [computer-based] and offline (paper-based) formats. The adaptive nature of the computer-based exam means that the computer will evaluate your performance and modify the level of difficulty based on your responses. In addition, there are two types of GRE tests: Subject-Based and General Test, both of which have a syllabus that has been outlined in the following paragraphs. 


Quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning, and analytical writing are all assessed on the GRE Exam Syllabus 2022. Algebra, calculus, geometry, data analysis, statistics, and arithmetic are all covered in the GRE Exam Syllabus 2022 quantitative reasoning portion. Questions about reading comprehension, sentence completion, and sentence equivalence appear in the verbal reasoning section of GRE Exam Syllabus 2022. Furthermore, the applicant’s ability to interpret complicated sentences, break them down into simpler ideas, analyze arguments, and write out their opinions clearly and reasonably is assessed in the third analytical writing section.


GRE Syllabus: There are three primary sections of the GRE. 


Analytical Writing

The test-ability to critically investigate complicated issues and arguments and present his or her ideas clearly and rationally is assessed in the two-task analytical writing section. In the first activity, dubbed “examine a problem,” applicants are given a point of view on a matter of public concern and asked to study it and convey their own ideas. The second assignment, “examine an argument,” involves applicants analyzing the logical strength of an argument and pointing out its advantages and disadvantages. The goal is not to measure the exam-takers’ knowledge of a certain topic, but rather their analytical skill and capacity to communicate themselves. 

Candidates who take the General Test on a computer have no advantage over those who do it on paper: they will only have access to a rudimentary word processor with options to insert and delete text and copy and paste data, and they will not be able to check their spellings or grammar. 

Here’s an example of a problem-solving question that might appear on the test. 

Statement of the Problem: People are becoming “soft” as a result of today’s conveniences, and they are rapidly losing their character strength and becoming weaklings. 

Instructions for the task: Discuss your response and provide logical reasoning to back it up. Also, specify the situations under which the assertion will or will not be valid. Explain your position in light of those situations, as well. 

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Verbal Reasoning 

The verbal reasoning section assesses the ability of the test-taker to read and comprehend written information that is regularly utilized in academia. There are three different types of questions: Reading comprehension I text completion (ii), and sentence equivalence (iii). In order to grasp texts in graduate school, students must be able to recognize the relationships between sentence elements as well as associations between words and concepts. The verbal reasoning section determines whether the test-taker possesses the essential talent and ability. Reading comprehension accounts for almost half of the questions, with the balance requiring the candidate to read, comprehend, and complete sentences or sections. 

To achieve a high reading comprehension score, the candidate must comprehend the meaning of words and the purpose of paragraphs and passages; comprehend how parts of a text relate to one another; distinguish important from unimportant points; infer stated and unstated information from passages; and comprehend the author’s opinion and position on the issue. The texts might be taken from academic or non-academic periodicals on any issue in the sciences, humanities, or business. 

The candidate is asked to complete a passage by filling in missing words or phrases based on the overall context. The ability to read the content and draw the correct inferences is once again assessed. 


Sentence equivalence questions demand the test-taker to fill in the blanks in each sentence with the most acceptable word and also choose an alternative term from six options. The task entails more than just finding an appropriate word; it also entails intuiting the context and selecting the two finest possibilities from among the available options. 


Quantitative Analysis 

The GRE quantitative section’s major goal is to measure the test-understanding taker’s of basic math concepts such as algebra, arithmetic, geometry, and data analysis, as well as their ability to solve problems based on these concepts. Each of the primary themes has a number of subtopics. 

The arithmetic and statistics questions are for high school students. Trigonometry, calculus, and other higher-level mathematics subjects are not included. It is sufficient to understand high-school mathematics concepts like “prime numbers are bigger than one” and “numbers rise towards the right of the number line.” 

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Quantitative reasoning includes four sorts of questions: quantitative comparison, multiple-choice with one correct response, multiple-choice with one or more correct answers, and numeric entry (computation). Quantitative comparison questions, for example, may require a brief explanation: they require the test-taker to compare two quantities and choose one statement from four that best represents the comparison. 

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On-screen calculators are offered to candidates taking the computer-based test, and portable calculators are provided to candidates taking the paper-based test. However, certain rules on the ETS GRE website advise against using the calculator for certain types of problems. It asserts that under these situations, reasoning and estimating abilities may be more effective and time-consuming.


Syllabus for the GRE Chemistry Exam 

Physical, analytical, organic, and inorganic chemistry are all covered in the GRE Chemistry Syllabus. The GRE Chemistry syllabus includes questions based on these four dimensions and their interrelationships. Furthermore, physical chemistry is worth 30%, organic chemistry is worth 30%, inorganic chemistry is worth 25%, and analytical chemistry is worth 15% on the GRE Chemistry syllabus. 


Syllabus for the GRE Biology Exam 

The GRE Biology Syllabus covers cellular and molecular biology, organismal biology, ecology, evolution, and ecology. Furthermore, the GRE Biology Syllabus has 188 multiple-choice questions that are evenly weighted across three branches. 


Syllabus for the GRE Psychology Exam 

Biological, cognitive, social, developmental, and clinical psychology are all covered in the GRE Psychology Syllabus. Furthermore, research methods, data processing, and statistics are all covered in the GRE Psychology program. 


GRE Preparation

GRE preparation should begin 5-6 months prior to the exam date and end 90 days prior to the exam. Gathering all previous year’s question papers, taking notes, and organizing all materials are all necessary parts of GRE preparation. After completing the GRE Preparation curriculum, applicants can take practice tests and solve sample questions on a daily basis. The best GRE preparation tip is to arrange your time according to the syllabus. Also, select the center and complete the form ahead of time to avoid any discrepancies afterwards. 


Math Syllabus for the GRE 

The GRE Math Syllabus includes questions on calculus, algebra, geometry, arithmetic, and probability, among other topics. Furthermore, there are 66 questions from the undergraduate syllabus on the GRE Math Syllabus. In addition, the GRE Maths Syllabus 2022 includes calculus (50 percent), algebra (25 percent), and extra topics (25 percent).

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Is the GRE syllabus similar to the SAT? 

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The College Board administers the SAT exam, which is only for undergraduate students. The GRE exam, on the other hand, is administered by ETS GRE and is intended for graduate students. 


What is the GRE Exam Syllabus? 

GRE results are used by colleges to determine whether or not a student is qualified to enroll in a particular course at their institution. The goal of the GRE is to put your intelligence to the test! This means putting your logical reasoning and language skills to the test. Questions from the undergrad level are put to the test in order to make that selection. Let’s have a look at the GRE exam syllabus for each component, as suggested by the GRE pattern. 


What is the GRE mathematics syllabus? 

Algebra, Calculus, and Additional Topics make up the GRE math syllabus. 

How long will it take me to complete the GRE syllabus? 

The amount of time it takes to complete the GRE syllabus is entirely dependent on the candidate’s capacity. A quick learner may be able to complete it in less time, while others may be able to do it at their own leisure. 


What is a satisfactory GRE score? 

A respectable GRE score is between 310 and 320 points. An excellent GRE score, on the other hand, is entirely dependent on the institute to which you choose to apply. 

The GRE exam course is extensive, difficult, and time-consuming. The questions you’ll be asked are tough, and they’ll almost always aim to lead you to the wrong answer. To attain a score above par, you’ll need a well-thought-out strategy and constant effort. Allow our Leverage Edu professionals to guide you through all portions of the GRE, ensuring that you pass with flying colors. 


Which GRE Subject Test scores are accepted by which universities? 

The GRE subject scores are accepted by thousands of graduate schools throughout the world. However, depending on the course you take, the importance may differ. As a result, we recommend that you contact the admissions committee of the college you’re interested in and inquire about the subject test score’s acceptability. 


How much does it cost to take the GRE Subject Test? 

The GRE Subject Test costs $150 USD all across the world. 

Is it possible to use a calculator on the GRE General test? 

In the Quantitative Reasoning section of the GRE, the ETS provides an on-screen calculator. Calculations can be done with the help of this calculator.


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