
Pediatric Anesthesiologist Salary



Pediatric Anesthesiologist Salary



In the United States, the average salary for a pediatric anesthesiologist is $177,995. Pediatric anesthesiologists earn the most in San Francisco, with an average total pay of $268,992, which is 51 percent higher than the national average. 

If your kid has an illness, accident, or disease that necessitates surgery or a procedure, a Pediatric Anesthesiologist has the skills and training to help with the treatment and to ensure that your child is safe while undergoing the procedure. 

A pediatric anesthesiologist is a fully qualified anesthesiologist who has undergone at least one year of specific training in the management of infants and children during anesthesia. In the operating room, most pediatric surgeons work alongside a pediatric anesthesiologist to provide care to children. Many children who require surgery or other operations have extremely severe medical issues that involve multiple body parts. The pediatric anesthesiologist is the best person to assess these complicated issues and devise a safe anesthetic regimen for each kid. Pediatric anesthesiologists provide the safest treatment for infants and children receiving anesthesia thanks to their particular training and experience. 

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Anesthesiologist Salaries are Affected by a Variety of Factors 

An anesthesiologist may be able to assess their current circumstances and make changes that will have a substantial impact on their starting compensation. 

The following are some of the elements that can influence an anesthesiologist’s salary. 

Years of Professional Experience 

According to Medscape‘s 2020 Resident Salary and Debt Report, a resident in early anesthesiology will make $63,300 in their first year. 

The income will improve somewhat with each year of residency completed. 

Anesthesiologists receive higher money as they gain experience in the industry, according to compensation data. 

An entry-level anesthesiologist earns a national average of $289,000. An anesthesiologist’s average income rises to $301,000 after five years of expertise. 

An anesthesiologist with more than ten years of experience might make $326,000 per year. An anesthesiologist with over two decades of expertise can make up to $337,000 per year. 

Anesthesiologists’ average pay rises with their years of experience. However, the final figures are highly influenced by the location and style of practice. 


The cost of living and demand, as with all medical jobs, have a role in determining an anesthesiologist’s predicted wages. Specific places, on the other hand, pay a higher wage. 

Types of Practice 

Salary ranges will also be influenced by the sort of practice where an anesthesiologist works. Anesthesiologists are paid differently in each of these five clinical settings. 


According to ZipRecruiter, anesthesiologists who work on a locum tenens basis can make up to $281,438 per year. 


The number of incentives that an anesthesiologist earns is another factor that can help them earn more money overall. 

According to Medscape, 56% of all anesthesiologists who responded to the study received a bonus of $57, 000 on average. 

According to the report, around 78 percent of anesthesiologists get their entire yearly incentive. This demonstrates that annual incentives account for a significant portion of most anesthesiologists’ pay.

How to Negotiate a Job Contract in Anesthesiology 

Now that you have a clearer idea of how much your job as an anesthesiologist is worth, the next step is to negotiate your salary to reach, if not exceed, those figures. 

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When dealing with a patient under anesthetics, a physician’s nerves are tested, but many lose their nerve when interacting with a potential employer. 

Negotiating an employment contract does not have to be a stressful experience. 

Any anesthesiologist who wants to make more money than a nurse anesthetist can negotiate a contract. Even yet, many people would feel ill-equipped to verify that the language of their job contract is in their best interests. 

This is where a group of experts might come in handy. They’ll look over your contract before it’s signed and point out any potential issues. 

A new job position will necessitate a new employment contract, but there are other times when a contract review is prudent. 

This includes whether you opt to renegotiate an existing agreement or when you renew a contract for another few years. When terminating a contract, it’s best to have a contract review as well. 

Of course, if your income or benefits are changing, you should read the new contract thoroughly and have it reviewed by a specialist. 

Finally, as you shift from employee to partner, you’ll want your new contract to include specific wording to safeguard your stake in the company and prospective rewards. 

Information on a Career 

Anesthesiologists who specialize in children, toddlers, teenagers, and young adults are known as pediatric anesthesiologists. These medical professionals usually collaborate with family physicians, pediatricians, and surgical personnel. Anesthesiologists describe the pain management and treatments offered to patients and their parents at every stage of the operation process. The pediatric anesthesiologist ensures that the child is as comfortable as possible during his or her recovery by regularly examining and monitoring vital signs. 

Information on education 

Four years of undergraduate study and four years of medical school are required to become a pediatric anesthesiologist. To qualify for state licensing, the latter must be completed through a program accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education. Residency and internship programs can range from three to eight years in length. Internships and residencies in pediatric anesthesia should be sought by aspiring pediatric anesthesiologists. 

Pediatric anesthesiologists’ licensing requirements differ, however they all require passing the United States Medical Licensing Examination. In certain situations, a pediatric anesthesiologist can simply transfer his or her license to another state, but in others, the anesthesiologist must retake licensure exams. 

The American Osteopathic Association (AOA) has minimum eligibility requirements for those seeking voluntary board certification, which include completing residency training and passing a test ( 

You’ll have to deal with not only the difficulties of anesthesiology but also the challenges of working with children as a pediatric anesthesiologist. The substantial schooling required of a pediatric anesthesiologist, combined with on-the-job training, provides the necessary preparation for the profession. Anesthesiology for children can be a financially and personally rewarding profession. 

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Additional Information 

A bachelor’s degree is normally required for someone who wants to work as a pediatric anesthesiologist, and he or she can prepare for medical school by concentrating in biology or a health-related field. Many potential doctors apply for internships or entry-level medical aide work at local doctor’s offices while pursuing their degrees in order to gain crucial direct experience in the health-care field. Near the completion of a bachelor’s degree program, an individual can apply to approved medical schools and take a written national admissions exam. 

A student can anticipate spending the first two years of his or her academic career mostly in lecture and laboratory courses after getting accepted to a school. Organic chemistry, disease pathology, and physiology are just a few of the topics covered in depth for new students. Anesthesiology-related courses are often offered as part of the main curriculum or as elective alternatives for individuals interested in the area. In the last two years of medical school, continuing lab work and rotating internships at a local hospital are frequent. A student can apply for a general medicine internship after receiving a Doctor of Medicine degree. 

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In most cases, the year-long internship is comparable to the one completed while in medical school. Pediatricians, for example, can learn from and support new doctors in a number of disciplines. After finishing the internship, a candidate can apply for a three-year residency program in general anesthesiology. While working with seasoned anesthesiologists, a resident doctor continues to attend lectures and labs. He or she learns the skills and knowledge needed to practice as a pediatric anesthesiologist. 

A one-year fellowship is an intensive introduction to the specialty in which a new anesthesiologist works long hours in operating rooms under the supervision and guidance of mentor doctors. Doctors who want to work in general anesthesiology can do so right after finishing their residencies, but those who want to work as a pediatric anesthesiologist will typically need to complete additional training. After finishing the fellowship, he or she can take a board certification exam to receive a license and begin practicing unsupervised.

Pediatric Anesthesiology programs at universities throughout the world. 

Johns Hopkins University Medical School 

Johns Hopkins University’s School of Medicine has a deadline of Oct. 15 for applications. Johns Hopkins University charges a cost of $100 to apply. It costs $56,500 to attend full-time. Johns Hopkins University has a 5:1 faculty-to-student ratio. There are 2,397 full-time faculty members employed at the School of Medicine. 

The Genes to Society Curriculum, which combines academics with contemporaneous clinical experience, is used by students at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Intersessions are weeklong intensive courses focused on simulation and advanced abilities that take place every few months during the school year. Nathans, Sabin, Taussig, or Thomas are the colleges in which all students are placed. This aims to let students from all four years of medical school feel like they’re part of a family. Students are guided through the medical school curriculum, research engagement, and career decision by advisers in each college. The institutions hold an annual Colleges Bowl, which includes kickball, racing, and tug-of-war. 

In around eight years, students can obtain an M.D., a Ph.D., or both. Other university departments offer dual degree programs in M.D./M.P.H. and M.D./MBA. The school receives significant research support from the National Institutes of Health and other organizations, and it houses prestigious research institutes including the Brain Science Institute and the Institute of Genetic Medicine. 

The highly regarded Johns Hopkins Hospital, which houses Maryland’s only pediatric and ocular trauma clinics, is part of Johns Hopkins Medicine. Students can reside on campus in an apartment complex two blocks from the medical campus, which is located in Baltimore. Students can join more than 80 different organizations, some of which organize community service projects all across Baltimore. 

Medical School of Harvard University 

Harvard University’s Medical School has a deadline of Oct. 22 for applications. Harvard University requires a $100 application fee. It costs $64,984 to attend full-time. Harvard University has a 14.2:1 faculty-to-student ratio. There are 9,954 full-time faculty members on the Medical School’s payroll. 

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HMS has continued to innovate and influence medical education over the years since its founding in 1782. Students are now organized into five academic societies, each of which provides mentoring and advising as well as team-based learning under the supervision of academics. The Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology program is for students who want to pursue a career in biomedical research. 

Following the annual White Coat Ceremony for the incoming class, most HMS students enroll in the Pathways program, which allows them to learn key scientific topics and develop clinical abilities before commencing their main clinical experiences in the second year. Traditional letter grades are not used in preclerkship courses; instead, pupils are given a good or unsatisfactory grade. Students attend classes on the medical school’s campus in Boston’s Longwood Medical Area, while clinicals are held at allied institutions throughout the city. Medical students can also pursue dual degrees such as an M.D./Ph.D. or an M.D./MBA, as well as cross-register in courses at the university’s other schools, such as the well regarded Law School and Business School. 

Despite the rigorous school load, HMS ensures that its students have a good time by hosting events and social groups, such as the HMS Chamber Music Society, as well as a number of extracurricular organizations focused on service, identity, and other topics. 

UC Berkeley 

The deadline for applications to the School of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco is Oct. 15. The University of California at San Francisco charges an application fee of $80. Full-time tuition is $36,342 for in-state students and $48,587 for out-of-state students (out-of-state). At University of California-San Francisco, the faculty-to-student ratio is 4:1. There are 2,624 full-time faculty members employed at the School of Medicine. 

Duke University Medical School

Duke University’s School of Medicine has a deadline of October 15 for applications. Duke University requires a $100 application fee. It costs $61,170 to attend full-time. Duke University has a 2.7:1 faculty-to-student ratio. There are 1331 full-time faculty members in the School of Medicine. 

The Medical School at the University of Pennsylvania 

The University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine (Perelman) has a deadline of Oct. 15 for applications. University of Pennsylvania (Perelman) charges a $100 application fee. The full-time tuition is $59,910 per year. University of Pennsylvania (Perelman) has a faculty-to-student ratio of 4.5:1. A total of 2,773 full-time faculty members work at the Perelman School of Medicine. 

The first medical school and school hospital in the United States were both founded at the University of Pennsylvania. The University of Pennsylvania Hospital, Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, and Pennsylvania Hospital are now connected with the School of Medicine. 

M.D., Ph.D., M.D.-Ph.D., master’s, M.D.-master’s, and post-doctoral degrees are among the options available to students. Students can double-major in any of Penn’s schools, including the prestigious Wharton School. Certificate programs in Global Health, Women’s Health, and Aging are also available. 

Medical students learn in small groups about successful leadership and teamwork through a series of six modules. Students can gain hands-on experience in simulation facilities like the Flyers/76ers Surgery Theatre, or they can participate in one of the more than 50 centers and institutes. Penn Medicine staff and students are very active in the Philadelphia community, hosting free health clinics, AIDS awareness programs, and other initiatives.

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